the underside of the first meeting between Joan Laporta and the Messi clan

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This is a soap opera that should not yet know its outcome. Conspired at Paris Saint-Germain after half-hearted performances combined with repeated failures in the Champions League since his arrival in the summer of 2021, Lionel Messi, under contract with the capital club until June 30, still have a few months to make an important decision for his future: extension to PSG, return to FC Barcelona or even exile to Saudi Arabia or MLS? The options are not lacking for the rest of the Argentinian striker’s career.

Nevertheless, the Spanish press assures that the main interested party seems to favor an extension of his stay in Europe to continue to perform at a high level, in particular for the next Copa America, scheduled for June and July 2024 in the United States. As we revealed to you exclusively on our site, the La Pulga clan is already seeing itself return to its training club, Barça, whose colors it has already defended 778 times between 2004 and 2021 (678 goals, 303 assists decisive, 35 trophies). A return that the club chaired by Joan Laporta is already preparing…

To read
PSG: the Messi clan already sees itself returning to Barça!

Laporta met Jorge Messi

Indeed, according to the latest indiscretions of Brand, the president of FC Barcelona met the father and agent of the Argentine international (174 caps, 102 goals), Jorge Messi, before the Easter holidays. The Spanish media adds that the meeting would have lasted half an hour to discuss the tribute that the FCB would like to grant to the seven-time Ballon d’Or if he leaves the Old Continent. For the moment, no offer has been sent by the club, which has not yet mentioned the possible return of LM10 to Camp Nou, still according to the publication across the Pyrenees.

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Nevertheless, for its part, the Barcelona management, guided by Mateu Alemany, is already trying to prepare the ground for the return of the Parisian number 30, since it has planned a meeting with leaders of the Spanish League in order to present a viability plan. and discuss the possibility of seeing the 35-year-old Argentinian again don the Blaugrana tunic, under the rules of financial fair play. A complicated strategy if the current leader of La Liga does not free up the payroll to be able to register the contract of the native of Rosario. At Barça, therefore, to find the solution to celebrate his legend one last time…

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