The Port of Valencia launches a tender for a parking lot |

The Port of Valencia launches a tender to bid for a parking lot

The Port Authority of Valencia (spain) has launched a public tender to award a plot located in the provisional parking area next to the Fuente de San Luis station in Valencia, in order to implement a parking lot for heavy vehicles.

And it is that, those responsible for the enclave want to grant the concession for a period of four years, extendable up to a maximum of two more annuities, for a plot near the Fuente en Corts highway, in front of the Mercavalencia agri-food center.

Thanks to its location, this space will allow modal exchange between maritime, rail and road services. Thus, interested companies may present their proposals to participate in the contest at the offices of the Port Authority of Valencia, which will be available from eight thirty in the morning to two thirty in the afternoon. Likewise, they can be delivered by mail, with a deadline of noon on May 29.

On the other hand, the Port of Valencia has decided to promote decarbonization through short-distance maritime lines, which favor the energy transition and the fight against climate change, as explained by the port authorities of the Valencian mooring within the framework of the LetExpo Fair.

During this international event, aimed at the sustainable logistics sector and recently held in the Italian town of Verona, the Valencian enclave has specified that short-distance line traffic is very competitive for operators, by reducing costs and operational profitability .


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