The national hockey team of Latvia takes revenge on Switzerland in the test match / Article

Toms Anderson, Rodrigo Ābols, Dans Ločmelis, Miks Tumānovs and Mārtiņš Dzierkals scored goals for the Latvian national team.

Already in the fourth minute of the game, Enzo Korvi put the guests in the lead, but later it turned out that he was also the only one who beat the goal man of the Latvian national team, Ivars Punnenova.

The first third of the game ended in a draw, as Anderson stood out with an accurate shot in the 15th minute of the match.

In the second period, Ābols put Latvia in the lead, but Indrašis and Ločmelis tripled the lead.

The fifth goal for Latvia was scored by Dzierkals, who sent the puck into an empty net.

The day before, the Swiss hockey players won 5:3 in the mutual test match.

The Latvian national team will conclude its preparations for the world championship on May 4, visiting the Danish national team.

The world hockey championship will start on May 12 in Riga and Tampere. The Latvian national team will play in Riga in one group with Canada, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Slovakia, Norway, Kazakhstan and Slovenia.


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