The Mediterranean diet is the best of all

Lose weight, feel good about yourself and eat a healthier diet remains the primary objective shared by millions of people, but as always it is not an easy path especially for the wide range of diets that are proposed to us every day. To bring order to this abundance of food advice, the US magazine U.S. News & World Report’s has tried to select, thanks to a group of experts, the best feeding programs and at the top to this special classification we find the Mediterranean diet.

Mediterranean diet and Dash are the best

Experts, after careful research and selection, have identified They have 40 dietsdivided into nine categories, based on the ease of implementation, the probability of losing weight in the short and long term, the effectiveness also against cardiovascular disorders and diabetes. The best of these diets it turns out to be the Mediterranean onewhich in truth shares the first step of the podium with the diet Dash.

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Mediterranean diet, well protected by Unesco

The Mediterranean diet it is a nutritional model inspired by the food models widespread in some countries of the Mediterranean basin (Italy, Spain, Greece and Morocco) and in 2010 it was recognized by UNESCO well protected in the list of oral and intangible heritage of humanity. It is based on foods consumed in a proportion that favors cereals, fruit, vegetables, seeds, olive oil as the main fat, a moderate consumption of red meat and animal fats (saturated fats), combined with fish, white meat (poultry), legumes, eggs, dairy products, red wine, sweets.

>> Read also: Those who eat according to the Mediterranean diet live longer

I like so, Mediterranean diet if you are over 50 years old

It’s not easy lose weight after 50: a sedentary life, little time available and consolidated eating habits make it very difficult to lose weight in a constant and balanced way. This is why the diet proposed by Mipiacecosì, deriving from the French Comme je t’aime, offers a meal plan for weight loss which is based on ready-to-eat recipes of the Mediterranean diet with ingredients dosed ad hoc for every single need.
How does it work? It starts with a first week dedicated to the so-called “weight shock”, in which the caloric intake of the dishes is reduced break bad habits (i.e. wrong portions, poor nutritional quality of food, snacking, skipped meals). The next phase involves a path of nutritional rebalancing with a program low-calorie: simple and tasty dishes of our tradition such as lasagna, cannelloni, ravioli, rice, with various condiments, dosed in such a way as to provide enough food to satisfy one’s energy needs (from 1,200 to 1,500 kcal per day).
A diet rich in essential nutrients (iron, minerals, fiber, protein, etc.) and avoids “empty calorie” foods, those that have a high caloric density but do not provide any essential nutrients to the body.
The program will provide dishes prepared and delivered at home.


Dash, diet in defense of hypertension

The diet Dash is a diet developed by the US National Institutes of Health to help people suffering from hypertension and in fact the name is an acronym of English Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. It is a food itinerary that reduces the daily intake of salt and where fruit, vegetables and balanced proteins are the prevailing basis on which its recipes and weekly menus are based. A food scheme that is not so different from that of the Mediterranean diet. An excellent way to lose weight, but which allows you to limit as much as possible the amount of salt, saturated fat and cholesterol, which are a real danger to our heart.

>> Read also: Hypertension, the 3 principles for a healthy diet that lowers blood pressure

Flexitarian diet, vegetarian but not too much

Behind the Mediterranean diet and Dash stands the flexitarian diet, which can also be defined as “almost vegetarian” because it is very flexible (another name by which it is identified). A model that is based on a vegetarian diet with the possibility of also consuming products of animal origin such as seafood, fish and white meat.

>> Read also: 5 vegetarian sources of protein

flexitarian_dietWeight Watchers, a sixties diet always valid

Even if historically born in the sixties of the last century, the diet is always current Weight Watchersa meal plan devised by a New York housewife, John Nidetchbut then became an international phenomenon. The diet includesassigning a value to each food and drink according to its nutritional capacity (higher quantities of saturated fats and sugars increase this value, higher quantities of proteins reduce the value). A system, that of the points diet, which allows people to make the best decisions in front of each meal.

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A diet for every need

The purpose of the research carried out by the US magazine was to verify a series of food proposals which, in addition to making you lose weight, also had health benefits. A support to those who want to identify a diet suitable for their specific needs. “In the final analysis, the best diet is one that can be adopted, managed and maintained over time”declared David Katz, director of the Center for Research and Prevention of Yale University and who was part of the group of experts who contributed to the construction of this special classification of diets.

>> Read also: The diet for healthy and beautiful skin

Reading recommendations

To learn a little more about the main diets, starting from the Mediterranean one with the book of Ancel and Margaret KeysThe Mediterranean diet. How to eat well and stay healthy”. On the Dash diet, the publication “Dash diet: how to put an end to high blood pressure” Of Dieter man.

[photo credits:,,]


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2023-04-27 06:30:53
#Mediterranean #diet


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