The masters did not smell a drop, Boleslav hears the praise. Fast game adorns Slavia, Sparta and the last Pardubice

According to both experts, Boleslav in the Fortuna league belongs to the teams that bet on fast football. “Slavia certainly plays fast too,” says Mareš and immediately adds that all teams would definitely like to be able to play fast. who are able to end the event in such a way that it succeeds,” he adds, adding Sparta and Pardubice to the list of fast-playing teams. “Their support point is Pavel Černý, who has fast wings around him.”

The question is whether this style of play can be trained. Pavel Mareš agrees that a certain game plan can be partially pumped into the team in preparation. “You can train for something, but you can’t learn what Marek Matějovský plays,” he praises the experienced midfielder of the Central Bohemian team.

Direct with former football representative Pavle MarešVideo:

The 41-year-old midfielder will not run away from opponents twenty years younger, but then he will send a pass to a teammate that will touch the soul of football connoisseurs, and Boleslav will surprise the opponent with such an action. “For Mark, it’s experience supported by quality, a certain vision of the situation. When Marek raises his head, he does not see one situation, but three or four. And he can evaluate which of them is the best and most dangerous,” adds the former defender of the national team.


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