The local School reaches its 37th Anniversary

Directed by his Master and mentor, the Shihan Founder of Shan Ryu, Dr. José Mario Pérez González, Professor Raúl Ocampos achieved the Argentine title at the Argentine Full-Contact Association, city of Buenos Aires.

Work, his passion.

The dawn of the brand new Dojo (this is the name of the place of practice), took place in the facilities of the Club Ferroviarios de Benito Juárez, displaying its work for 30 years. Likewise, he develops martial teaching activity at School No. 1 (31 years of teaching to date) and at School No. 3 (25 years).

Pilgrim teacher, and through the Sports Department of Benito Juárez, he ventures into towns in the Juárez district, teaching classes in the towns of Estación López and Tedín Uriburu, for a period of 10 years.

For 29 years, the activity of the Shan Ryu Benito Juárez School has been carried out through the Sports Department of the Municipality of Benito Juárez, as well as classes are taught at the Physical Education Center No. 50.

The prestigious institution Centro de Días Despertares, also summoned Master Ocampos, conferring on him the honor of providing martial education, through the excellent and outstanding teaching task of Professor Mariana Di Paola and her collaborators, as well as the children and youth from the Pachán neighborhood.

In the sports section, the Shan Ryu Municipal School of Karate Do and Judo, Benito Juárez, attends more than 250 regional, provincial, national and international competitions, with participation in the Eastern Republic of Uruguay 1996, 2001, 2005 and 2007, and in the Republic of Paraguay in 1988, highlighting the students called to compete, for their respect, discipline, order and superlative preparation, as usual and characterizes Master Ocampos, obtaining countless awards and competitions won to date, in various categories and specialties.

In 36 years of uninterrupted teaching, the community of Benito Juárez saw more than 6,000 students, and more than 30 black belts, martially forged by Master Ocampos, obtaining the long-awaited and demanding graduation.

At the Closing of the Shan Ryu Year of 2015, at the facilities of the Atilio Solís Sports Center, we participated in a very rare and very special event: The Founding Master of Shan Ryu, Dr. José Mario Pérez González, received his 10th. Dan, the world’s highest graduation in Martial Arts, at which time, and consistent with international Protocol standards, within the framework of an impeccable ceremony and organization, with relatives of students and an overflowing public, Master Ocampos delivers of said graduation, as well as the required symbology, summoned all the students and black belts of the institution.

Currently, and since 2008, Master Raúl Ocampos has held the position of Shihan General Director of the Shan Ryu School, supervising the activity throughout the national territory, being a subsidiary of Benito Juárez, the headquarters of our beloved Martial School.

With more than 40 years of martial practice, impeccable trajectory and contribution to the community, he is named Illustrious Citizen and Citizen Merit by the Honorable Deliberative Council of Benito Juárez.

The past 2,022, he is graduated by his Founding Master, with the 9th. Dan of Karate Do, degree of International Order, and whose Official Graduation Ceremony will be carried out during the current year.

Currently, he runs his gym and Dojo at the Alumni Club facilities.

Here, in the West, it is common to confuse Martial Arts with sports. Although a sports section is contemplated from healthy competition, Karate Do and Judo, are disciplines from the island of Okinawa and Japan, full of great ancestral Philosophical, Cultural, Spiritual wealth, and valuable precepts for the daily life of those who they practice them, forming not only Champions in competitions, but also Champions in Life, promoting kindness, a spirit of solidarity, and inclusion of people.

Ethical and moral values, Respect, Humility, Responsibility, Punctuality and hard work, have marked and exalted the teaching of Master Raúl Ocampos and his School for 36 years of impeccable career.

To all your students from Benito Juárez, teachers, collaborators and families in the community, the greatest gratitude for your accompaniment and trust.

Al Sr. Mayor Don Julio César Marini, for his fervent contribution and unconditional support.

Al Shihan Founder 10th. Dan, Dr. José Mario Pérez González, who prolifically continues to study and develop his creation, the Shan Ryu style, providing us with invaluable teaching through his bibliography and advice.

To all of them, on behalf of the Municipal School of Karate Do and Shan Ryu Judo of Benito Juárez and its Master, General Director Raúl Ocampos, thank you very much, and a Very Happy 36th Anniversary!

(Eduardo Gabino

Master in Charge of Ceremonial and Protocol).


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