The extinction of Financiera Rural will cause peasants to fall into the hands of agiotismo – El Sol de México

The extinction of the Financiera Nacional de Desarrollo Agropecuario, Rural, Forestal y Pesquera, leaves small and medium-sized producers without financing and will encourage them to fall into the hands of agiotismo with more expensive interest rates or they will stop producing food.

This was warned by Luis Gómez Garay, leader of the El Campo es de Todos Movement, who pointed out that agrarian institutions are also being dismantled. These are the cases of the Agrarian Reform Secretariat, today the Territorial and Urban Development Secretariat, which does not attend to agrarian affairs.

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SEDATU is in the clear process of becoming a promoter of urban development or baseball havens, while the agrarian courts and the Agrarian Attorney’s Office debate in the gloom and the deficiencies that led them to irrelevance, he denounced.

Faced with this situation, 3.5 million ejidatarios, men and women from rural Mexico, continue to be excluded from social development in a field where there is no social policy for their development and that of their communities, where poverty and lack of opportunities are rampant.

As well as the lack of opportunities, the low levels of agricultural profitability, the lack of conditions for production and the absence of competitive and well-paid jobs.

The peasant leader called for the construction of a front of struggle that, within the framework of a deep plurality and political independence, strengthens the agenda for the integral, inclusive and democratic development of the country.

He remarked that according to the initiative sent by the federal Executive to Congress, the argument to extinguish the National Financing Agency for Agricultural, Rural, Forestry and Fisheries Development is that the overdue portfolio represented 13.1 percent of the Credit Portfolio in 2019.

And that by 2020 that percentage was reduced to 10.9 percent. However, a year later, this indicator was again at 13.3 percent and by December 2022 it had almost doubled to 26.2 percent.

Luis Gómez Garay affirmed that in its first 15 years of existence, La Financiera applied a single-digit interest rate. And the recovery portfolio was 93 percent. And it came to finance 70 billion pesos annually.

According to data from INEGI, Financiera Rural went from serving 79,000 rural economic units in 2014 to 66,000 per year in 2022.

And the leader of the Movimiento el Campo es de Todos pointed out that it is in rural areas where the highest rates of marginalization, poverty, and social and economic stagnation in present-day Mexico are concentrated.

Then he stated: “The Mexican Revolution never did justice to the peasants. Today, like yesterday, their right to live decently, from their work, from the exploitation of their plots, from the production of food that our people demand, is hidden from them. For the peasants, only promises, never solutions”.

And later, Luis Gómez Garay commented: “Despite the hypocritical, convenient and manipulative discourse of past and present governments, the figure of Emiliano Zapata represents the unwavering struggle of peasants for agrarian justice.”

The struggle of rural communities for their integral development, so that their territories are respected and their inhabitants can live with dignity from the products of the land, from the fruit of their work.

And not in the misery and marginalization in which this government, as in so many other neoliberals, seems to condemn those of us who live by working the land and producing the food our nation needs.

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He then stated: “For this reason, we do not agree with the current government nor can we agree with a government that confuses the demand for comprehensive development of rural communities with mere formulas for clientele handouts that it organizes electorally, but does not eradicate backwardness or stagnation. productive of rural towns.

2023-04-17 17:02:04
#extinction #Financiera #Rural #peasants #fall #hands #agiotismo #Sol #México


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