the Dronerese athlete Yuri Penone seventh at the Italian Cadets A1 Championship –

Sixteen years old recently and an initiative sports practice at the age of 3 years. Passion, grit, sacrifices and commitment: Dronerese Yuri Penone is one of the promising young athletes in the field of Judo.

For the 90kg category, he finished in seventh place in the Italian Cadets A1 Championship, excellently representing ASD Judo Valle Maira. Competition of the highest national under 18 level, the Championship was held in Ostia on 23 April and saw another athlete from our province win an excellent result: for the -66 kg category, the athlete from Bra Simone Vitale came in third place ( -young-simone-vitale-at-the-italian-cadet-cadets-u18.html).

“Yuri tried to give his all; unfortunately the emotion screwed him a bit – says Maestro Diego Penone – “However, it’s a great result to be in the top ten and above all he has the grit and ability not to give up.”

An important sporting discipline, capable of training mind and body. The term “jūdō” is composed of two kanji: 柔 (jū, yawara = kindness, adaptability, yielding) and 道 (dō = way) it can also be translated as “way of adaptability or way of kindness”, thus making the yawara principle explicit (柔) on which jūdō is based.

Formally born in Japan in 1882, with the foundation of the Kōdōkan by Professor Jigorō Kanō, and officially becoming an Olympic discipline in 1964, for judoists or more commonly judoka (柔道家 jūdōka), it means achieving perfect knowledge of the spirit. Thus the attack-defense training and the assiduous effort, to obtain a physical-spiritual improvement. The improvement of the ego will have to be directed to social service, which is the ultimate goal.

“You are great Yuri!” Fellow athletes and coaches are keen to compliment this talented young boy.

2023-04-29 15:01:05
#Dronerese #athlete #Yuri #Penone #seventh #Italian #Cadets #Championship


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