The 10 most practiced sports in Spain

The desire to lose weight, have healthy lifestyle habits in eating and exercising are some of the usual challenges in a good part of the population. One of the secrets to maintaining good health and physical condition is the practice of sport. Whether individual or collective, many people take advantage of their free time in Spain to enjoy their favorite sport.

Sport can be practiced at many levels. While one part of society chooses to do it amateurishly, in their free time and without the pressure of an official competition or belonging to a federated club, the other part prefers to feel the emotion and competitive spirit. To discover which are the most practiced sports in Spain, at oneHOWTO we recommend that you continue reading this article.


Considered the king sport in Spain, football has a very high media share. Just by taking a look at the country’s sports press, you will realize the importance, follow-up and interest that football generates among the Spanish population.

Despite the fact that the figures vary each year, it is estimated that there are more than one million soccer licenses corresponding to players from 21,649 clubs. This number of licenses is more than a quarter of the total sports licenses and of any type registered in Spain, specifically and 28%placing soccer in this sense well above other sports such as basketball, which it surpasses by more than double the number of federated.

Discover the different types of soccer cleats that exist.

Sports most practiced in Spain - Soccer

swing basket

Las registered federative licenses in Spain of basketball are close to the 400.000, being the second sport in the country with more federated athletes. The basketball players are distributed among almost 4000 clubs.

Basketball far surpasses golfthe third most practiced sport in Spain, since it registers more than 100,000 difference licenses compared to golf, but it is very far from football in this sense. Accumulates around 10% of all athletes federated Spaniards.


The rise of golf in recent years has been reflected in this list of the most practiced sports in Spain, ranking third. He number of federated golfers is close to 300,000distributed in 600 clubs throughout the country.

climbing and mountaineering

Climbing and mountaineering, sports not differentiated from each other by the Higher Sports Council, monopolize some 250,000 federal licenses approximately. In Spain, there are more than 30000 trails and paths approved for its practice.

It’s about a sport very suitable to practice with family and friends at any time, whether it’s over a long weekend or on vacation.

Do you like this sport? Discover the different types of climbing that exist today.

Sports most practiced in Spain - Climbing and mountaineering


Of the Martial Arts existing, judo is the favorite for the Spanish population. At least, it is the most practiced, since it has some 100,000 registered federation licenses and distributed among a thousand clubs.

Despite the long history and tradition of this sport, in recent years it has experienced a decline in the number of licenses in Spain, accumulating about 2.5% of all athletes federated.

Sports most practiced in Spain - Judo


The number of licenses in volleyball has increased in the last decadeslightly exceeding 90,000. As a great curiosity, it is about the The only sport on this list in which more federated women are registered than men in Spain.


Handball is maintained year after year with a number of federative licenses that is around 90,000. Despite the financial difficulties of clubs at all levels and categories (including the Asobal League, the highest professional handball category in Spain), the tradition of this sport in the country remains intact.

Sports most practiced in Spain - Handball


Running is still in fashion in Spain. For several years now, more and more fans have been running through the streets in their free time. In this sense, popular races have an important role to increase the motivation of a large number of athletes.

And it is that running not only serves to maintain optimal physical condition: it also allows you to socialize with other people. Although there are close to 90,000 athletic federation licenses in Spainthere are many more athletes who practice running on their own at an amateur level by going for a run outdoors.


More of 75,000 federated licenses register cycling in Spain, spread over more than 3,200 clubs. Brings together the 2% of all athletes federated in the country, but as it happens with athletics, there are many more people who practice cycling.

Las Conventional Spanish roads are filled with cyclists on weekends, both professionals and amateurs. And it is that many cycling fans are encouraged to go out with their bicycles in their free time.


Paddle tennis is another of the sports that have been in fashion in Spain for years. Such is its boom that it has been a great competition for tennis in terms of the number of federative licenses, registering more than 75000.

Being one of the reference countries of this discipline, it is understandable that in Spain there is a great love for paddle tennis. It’s about a easy sport to learnin which an extraordinary physical condition is not required to start practicing it and which allows you to socialize, since you can play paddle tennis with family and friends.

Now that you know the sports most practiced in Spain, you may be interested in learning about The best rare sports.

Sports most practiced in Spain - Padel

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2023-04-21 08:03:02
#practiced #sports #Spain


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