Successful weekend for Club Badminton Soria-CS24

Last weekend he confirmed the good health of the Soria club with great performances in the three competitions in which it was immersed. Part of the quarry certified in Medina del Campo his potential, obtaining medals in the two sub15 and sub19 categories that were summoned within the framework of the Castilla León Championship.

Alonso García, for the first time in his career, was proclaimed champion of Castilla y León in the mixed double modality together with Sheila Díaz from Palencia. He confirmed his continued improvement with the bronze medal in the individual draw.

The youngest also returned with medals where Carmen Gómez stood out in a greater way, who together with her usual partner, Isabel Corchón, would take the sub-championship of Castilla y León in the U15 women’s double. In addition, Carmen would go up to the podium again to collect the bronze in the individual category.

On the other hand, one of the pearls of the Soria-CS24 Badminton Club, Daniela Corchón, met with the best rackets of Spanish badminton in the Cordoba town of Montilla, home of a new National Master.

Daniela Corchón

The Soriana confirmed her level, at the level of the best, winning bronze both in the individual and in the mixed double draw together with Yulien Gil from the Balearic Islands.

Finally, the senior José Carlos Pérez continues with his great performances in the competitions of the Madrid circuit. José Carlos returned with the gold medals in the doubles modalities and the silver in the individual.

Jose Carlos Perez
Jose Carlos Perez

2023-04-26 19:24:00
#Successful #weekend #Club #Badminton #SoriaCS24


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