Spalletti (Naples) after the defeat against AC Milan: “I found my best Naples”

Luciano Spalletti, coach of Napoli, after the 0-1 defeat against AC Milan in the quarter-final first leg of the Champions League, on Prime Video: “The match remains very open. I saw a good attitude from my players, a good reaction after what happened in the Championship (loss 0-4). They are players who have no international experience, who are at an age where they have not yet played matches of this importance, but I have seen a great reaction, always playing high, going to duels . Maignan made two or three crucial interventions. I found my best Naples, it will also be the case on the return, whoever plays. »

Giovanni Di Lorenzo, captain of Naples, at the microphone of Prime Video: ” This evening (Wednesday), we had a good game. It’s a defeat, but with this attitude, we are confident. Come and play without a top striker (Victor Osimhen and Giovanni Simeone were forfeited), it’s not easy, but we created chances with Elmas. We trust. We will have these two absent (Kim Min-jae and Frank Anguissa suspended on return) but those who will play in their place will be strong, we have a quality workforce. We will have to win at home, we hope there will be a good atmosphere as there has always been this season. »

AC Milan coach Stefano Pioli on Prime Video : “It will still be a great game on the return, with a lot of tension and emotion. They started better than us, they were more aggressive than in the Championship game (Milan won 4-0, ten days ago). It’s the first time we’ve beaten Napoli here in three years, which means we had a good game. There is a small regret not to have taken better advantage of the numerical superiority at the end of the match but it is a result which gives us the possibility of passing this round. We had a match worthy of the Champions League, we were up to it. We will go to Naples with great confidence and great concentration, we know the difficulties we will have there. »

AC Milan captain Davide Calabria “There’s still work to do, it’s not over. A great match awaits us at home, we know their stadium and their tifosi. Tonight, it is our people who have made themselves heard. It’s a strong team, but we will go with the desire to win because nothing is over. »


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