Solemn oath for the 25th Air Force Marshal Student Course

The ceremony will be exceptionally held in the characteristic Piazza San Lorenzo

NewTuscia – VITERBO – On Friday 14 April 2023, starting at 10.00, the Oath and Baptism ceremony of the 25th Normal Student Marshals Course of the Air Force will take place in Piazza San Lorenzo in Viterbo.

In the splendid and characteristic setting of Piazza San Lorenzo, 127 students from all over Italy, incorporated at the Viterbo training institute on 26 September, will swear allegiance to the Italian Republic and its institutions in the presence of civil, religious and military authorities.

The salient phases of the ceremony will be punctuated by the notes of the Air Force Musical Band while the moment of the “I swear” will be made solemn by the overflight of a patrol of aircraft to seal the value of the skills and excellence expressed by the Air Force in service of the country for the defense and security of the community.

To ensure the widest participation of the family members of the jurors and of the citizens, the main phases of the ceremony will be broadcast live on the AM youtube channel at the link

The Marescialli School of the Air Force/Viterbo Airport Command is placed under the command of the Commander of the AM Schools and of the Third Air Region; the department covers a dual mission: on the one hand, as a university institute, it has the task of providing for the military and moral training and specific professional education of the Petty Officers of the Marshal Role, as well as for the improvement and updating of this training; on the other hand, as a military airport open to civilian traffic, it ensures the provision of Air Navigation Services and guarantees, in accordance with the provisions of the sector’s operational plans, the efficiency of the airport installations functional to flight activity.

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