Shakira: hard farewell call from Piqué before traveling with his children – International Football – Sports

Shakira and her two children will settle in Miami (USA) after the Easter holidays, a transfer that the Colombian personally notified her ex-partner, Gerard Piqué.

As established in the agreement that the couple signed in November, the singer could move with her children to the United States once the Christmas holidays were over, something that did not happen due to the worsening health of the father of

On Thursday night, the doctors at the Teknon clinic where William Mebarak is admitted told Shakira that they could not operate on her father, as was the singer’s wish, so she made the decision not to delay any longer. his departure from Barcelona.

And now, while Shakira and her children spend a few days in the Caribbean, the Spanish press reveals the details of her farewell call from Piqué.

The media are accurate: “There was no ‘kind farewell'”.

(You can read: Piqué’s incredible attitude towards a fan sparks criticism on social networks).

Tense ‘last goodbye’


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With the controversy over the departure of the children to the US, Shakira contacted the heads of the schools in Barcelona, ​​where her children now study, and the chosen one in Miami, to ask them about the advisability of making the transfer in this time of the course.

Both from Barcelona and from Miami they sent letters to the singer in which they point out that there was no problem for the transfer of the children -Milan, 10 years old, and Sasha, 8- and that they would also do it after the Easter holiday period could help in the change and subsequent adaptation.

Likewise, those responsible for the Barcelona school supported the move to Miami because in recent months minors have shown signs of distress due to pressure from the ‘paparazzi’.

With professional opinions in favor, it was when Shakira personally called Piqué to explain the reasons for making the transfer at this time. And at that point, says ‘Vanitatis’, tension reigned.

“He told him that he had made the decision after getting the ‘OK’ from his father’s doctors on Thursday night, also via email”would have been the beginning of the talk, according to Silvia Taulés, a journalist for ‘Vanitatis’, as recorded by ‘Univisión’.

Later, Piqué would have shown his anger by saying that he already “I had read the news in the press”.

“It was then that Shakira reminded him that two weeks ago he had received a letter signed by his father, Joan Piqué, in which he demanded that he leave the house in Esplugues de Llobregat before April 20,” Taulés commented.

(Juan Pablo Montoya, without filter: ‘I don’t regret anything’).

Minutes later, the end of the call amid much tension and drama.

“Gerard did not give importance to detail, he focused on his arguments and there was no ‘kind farewell’”
concluded the reporter about the alleged talk.

Shakira and Piqué reached an agreement in November for the artist to stay in charge of the minors in that American city.

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*With EFE


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