Scattered considerations on “Air”

An iconic film, played by an iconic cast, about an iconic moment in sporting history: Air will fly to the box office.

– The premises are all there: true story but told from an original perspective, focused more on the “before” and “behind the scenes” of one of the most successful and successful marketing operations in American history; a very high-profile ensemble cast which, directed by Ben Affleck, was selected by mutual agreement with Stone Guest Michael Jordan; the writing of Alex Convery which, combined with the budget provided by the centenarian Warner Bros it’s yes Amazon Studiosaims to recreate the vision of the African American society of the Eighties. Air – The story of the great leap it was an announced masterpiece, which did not disappoint the expectations of lovers of the genre, adepts of the Game and any casual spectator;

Sonny Vaccaro – unable and unwilling to show MJ – is the actor incarnation of His Airness: inveterate bettor and, as such, not too lucky; visionary but recidivist in betting on the wrong players; tenacious, to the point of bypassing the agent and addressing the Jordan family directly. And his luck is his showing weakness, his lack of awe in admitting to be, like shoes, “subversive and self-referential”. Matt Damon may not have repeated the peaks of Will Hunting, Invictus or Martian – three interpretations that opened the doors for him to the Oscar ceremony – but he confirms himself as one of the most versatile and ductile stars in Hollywood. Like “every shoe is just a shoe until someone wears it,” a film character remains two-dimensional without full identification with it. He told Jimmy Fallon that filming took 24 days of work: in less than a month, the performance remains of the highest level. Director Ben Affleck, in his first venture behind the camera that cannot be defined as a thriller or drama, also plays the role of the extravagant Phil KnightCEO of Nike on the border of the cringe and of the compassionate. Jason Bateman is Rob Strasser, director of marketing of the company based in Beaverton, Oregon, on the verge of a nervous breakdown due to a problematic family situation to say the least. The three of them, like all the other protagonists of the film, are never really connected. And this characteristic shouldn’t be seen as a flaw: Air is the emblem of exasperated individualism that the last half century has chosen as a philosophy of life, therefore the dotted profiles perfectly fulfill the role covered;

– Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Jason Bateman, Chris Tucker, Chris Messina, Marlon Wayans: nobody disappoints, everybody excites but nobody stays impressed. By skill and luck, however, Air – The story of the great leap enjoys a performance Yes Oscar Of Viola Davis. The character of DelorisJordan’s mother, was in danger of becoming pathetic, but the actress of The Help it gives him an aura of authority and truly remarkable charisma. It is no coincidence that Davis is practically the only female figure included in the cast by Ben Affleck: who else could have held up to such a powerful subject in the script? The fluttering of the eyelids, the movement of the eyes, the intermittent opening of the mouth and the undulating trend of the corners of the same: every slightest variation of Deloris’s facial expression takes on a precise meaning, helping to paint a strong woman as she is extremely aware Is responsable;

– Iconic does not equal perfect and spotless. Some flaws in the voice acting (Olajuwon and Isiah Thomas are not dishonest to be pronounced as in the USA), a decontextualized soundtrack not so much because it alienates but because it does not adhere to the single scene and the single dialogue (Born in the USAfor example, is chosen as the background of the end credits and not when mentioned by Rob Strasser), one too many lines of rhetoric in theending necessarily happy (you are imagining the usual scene with celebrations from the whole hall, high five and extras who embrace each other joyfully? Well yes, Mike’s signing announcement is exactly how you’re imagining it…). Iconic means conforms to the image of the symbolized: then the 80s aesthetics bordering on caricature are welcome, the dialogic redundancies on betting everything on oneself are welcome without even contemplating defeat and a possible stumbling block on the way, on pain of total failure. All too explicit references to poses and objects that really belonged to the subjects represented are welcome, made explicit just before the end credits: the aim of Air it was flaunting the victory of the bet, consideration and self-esteem swag of Michael Jordan who have marked an era, a negotiation and a work around basketball but which has little to do with the ball in segments that will be taken as a model in the future by professional athletes of any discipline;

– How much Michael Jordan is in Air? No. The question is badly posed. One would have to ask how much Air Michael Jordan agreed to show, Instead. Ben Affleck’s film has a protagonist who never shows his face, whose voice is limited to a Pronto? with which he answers the phone in the penultimate scene of the film, which delegates every opinion and point of view to his mother Deloris. On the other hand, though, who could have played Michael Jordan? He is perhaps not the only character with an untouchable aura in contemporary history, a Cronus who engulfs any attempt to imitation ed rivalry? The impression that Air he forced himself to give is what MJ is beyond basketball, beyond his face, beyond everything and everyone. He is above, superior to the earth, belonging to the ethereal air. OR Air, if you prefer. Count how many times the title of the film has been written in these paragraphs and how many times the name and surname of Bulls #23 has been written. He should have succeeded.

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