Sader promotes actions to control and prevent citrus pests and diseases – El Sol de México

Mexico strengthens the status that maintains it as world leader in organic orange juice production, lemons and limes, with exports of 1.368 billion dollars annually and with 60,500 producers in 24 states of the republic, as indicated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Sader).

In coordination with state governments and the national productive sector, it promotes actions to control and prevent citrus pests and diseases.

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With special attention on the huanglongbing (HLB), which represents a threat to all citrus regions of Mexico and the world. The threat is latent and serious. “Only by closing ranks and as a team will it be possible to strengthen the national citrus industry,” said Agriculture Minister Victor Villalobos.

In a work meeting, Villalobos and the president of the National Association of Citrus Processors, Alberto de la Fuente, spoke about the importance of safeguard the productive capacity of the sector and guarantee orderly growth, with all the phytosanitary attention.

And all this for guarantee the supply in the national and international markets, in particular because vitamin C and all the properties provided by citruswhich since the pandemic and post pandemic are in greater demand.

He announced that under the coordination of Agriculture, a comprehensive agronomic plan will be carried out in the sector. The National Service for Health, Safety and Food Quality (Senasica); the National Institute of Forestry, Agriculture and Livestock Research (Inifap) and the College of Postgraduates (ColPos).

Together with state governments citrus growers and the National Committees for Citrus Product Systems, Mexican Lemon, Persian Lemon and the National Association of Citrus Processors (Anaproci).

He commented that it is important to work with a lot of discipline, in adherence to health protocols and in coordination between the three levels of government and in a public-private-social manner. Innovation for plant improvement and scientific development will be supported.

In the same way, it will be complemented with training in comprehensive agronomic management in plantations and nurseries; certification of nurseries under Senasica protocols and production of buds for plant grafts in the Inifap experimental fields.

He also commented that they are already working on a productive and phytosanitary diagnosis of citriculture and the inventory of nurseries and plants, productive units and production volumes is updated with the support of the Agro-Food and Fisheries Information Service (SIAP) and the State Departments of Agricultural Development.

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The president of Anaproci, Alberto de la Fuente said that the HLB affects yellow, Persian and Mexican lemon production, Therefore, it is urgent to increase phytosanitary measures, make a national census of citrus trees and expand the training modules that are already applied in Veracruz, San Luis Potosí, Hidalgo and Puebla.

2023-04-24 00:15:36
#Sader #promotes #actions #control #prevent #citrus #pests #diseases #Sol #México


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