RIP for the League – The penultimate raulista alive

On Sunday it became known that Negreiritethat is, the son of Negreira, was member of Barcelona since he was 15 years old; yesterday Miguel Ángel Pérez published an information in digital freedom that made reference to the declaration of junior in the Treasury according to which he himself valued his reports for Barcelona at about 20 euros each; Today Alfonso Pérez Medina, a journalist from La Sexta, has said that in his subsequent statement to the police, Negreirita said that he billed 6,000 euros for each of those videos that, according to himself, he confessed to the Treasury, were actually worth 20. And later he has learned that Negreira’s son participated in a dinner with First Division referees in a tribute to Velasco Carballo, who was president of the Technical Committee of Referees, while he was paid by Fútbol Club Barcelona. And, at around one in the afternoon, in the Camp Nou press room we witnessed a historic circumstance since a world record has been broken: Xavi will have been asked no less than twenty questions and my colleagues have managed to , I already said that in a triple somersault with a corkscrew that we will surely talk about for a long time, that none of them refer to the big blue elephant who, despite everything, despite the threats, remains in the center of the room while they talk about Messi, the Getafe pitch, whether the rivals are going to provoke Gavi, the return of Dembélé… And what I say is that absolutely everything, everything, is and will continue to be conditioned by the biggest scandal in Spanish sport as long as nothing is done.

When did Negreira son lie? In his declaration before the Treasury or when he declared at the police station? Miguel Ángel Pérez made a calculation yesterday of the approximate number of reports that, at a price of 20 euros each, Negreira the young man, to distinguish him from his father, had to deliver to Barcelona: 365.000. And that there is no red box that supports it. It is clear that the value of the reports was 20 euros but that he he charged them at 6,000. He received 6,000 euros, according to what he declared to the police, for reports that were worth more or less 20, according to what he testified at the Treasury, and Barcelona gladly paid them. In a conference on Sports Journalism, Adriá Soldevila, one of the journalists who uncovered the scandal, went so far as to say that Bartomeu recognized that when Negreira the old man stopped paying, to distinguish him from his son, Barcelona stopped winning the League. As Sherlock Holmes would say, the ashtray is full then here has been smoked.

Today, on El Chiringuito’s Twitch, I must say that my friend Marçal Lorente, who is a lawyer, has given me a lesson about the division of powers in the rule of law. Which is, by the way, that system that they have been violating for 50 years in Catalonia when, of course without any proof to prove it, they falsely call Real Madrid “the regime’s team.” There is the legislative power, then the executive and then the judicial. The latter has its times, they say. On behalf of the executive, the head of sports, Minister Iceta, spoke the other day to say that he was not following the Negreira affair very closely. And then there are those who legislate, for example, that having been paying arbitration number two for 17 years has prescribed. The people, however, with the exception of Enrique Cerezo, who does not dare to value anything and that he has seen very strange things, he has already issued his judgment and it is condemnatory.

If nobody does anything, if reality continues to be hidden, if people continue to look the other way as they did today in the Camp Nou press room, it would be best for us to shut it down. And, if the Spanish football kiosk remains open, if the Negreirazo turns a blind eye, I propose from here that all clubs do exactly the same, that they all contract the services of active referees or sign their family or friends. If it happens that nothing happens, if this joke continues, if nobody does anything and the minister doesn’t care, if the government passes and the federation excuses itself, if all this continues to happen, the best thing is that we give the League a Christian burial . Requiescat in pace. Rest in peace. RIP. He died.

2023-04-25 18:25:47
#RIP #League #penultimate #raulista #alive


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