Regional Contact Center, within the Top+America 2022 Ranking – Diario de Centro América

Around 60 entrepreneurs and owners of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) promote their products in the Sixth National Fair My Town My Product, organized by the Ministry of Economy (mineco) and the commune of the capital, in zone 1.

According to the Mineco, the participants come from Quetzaltenango, Huehuetenango, Totonicapán, Sololá, Chimaltenango, Sacatepéquez and Baja Verapaz, with which the local economic reactivation is sought by publicizing the artisan products of each territory, as well as the concept that is behind each one.

Typical textiles, ceramics, preserves, candles, packaged products, cheeses and handmade chocolate, typical sweets, woodwork, costume jewelery and fabrics, among others, can be found in the different stalls set up in the aforementioned area, next to the Metropolitan Cathedral.

60 stalls are located next to the Metropolitan Cathedral

Among the MSMEs that stand out are Roberto’s, from San Juan del Obispo, Sacatepéquez, which makes carvings in fine woods such as cedar, mahogany and palo blanco combined with typical fabrics, a business that has already been certified with the white seal.

According to the economic portfolio, the companies that receive the aforementioned distinction are characterized by providing jobs, contributing to their social and environmental environment, as well as representing the quality of national production and the richness of its culture and history.

The Sello Blanco Program arose from the priority actions of the Plan for the Economic Recovery of Guatemala, for 2021, whose main axes are the opening of the labor market, the attraction of strategic investments and the promotion of consumption of national products at a local, regional and world, it was stated.

2023-04-24 07:51:15
#Regional #Contact #Center #TopAmerica #Ranking #Diario #Centro #América


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