Refaelov and Anderlecht, it’s over: “The club must make decisions for the future”

The change is now at the RSCA. First strong choice of management: Refaelov will not be retained. Basically, this news is not a surprise. At 37, the Israeli no longer represented the future of the Brussels club. After a first season billed at 19 goals and 6 assists under Kompany, he was much less flamboyant under Mazzu and Riemer.

Admittedly, he was decisive nine times in the Pro League. But his playing time has melted like snow in the sun. While he played 2169 minutes during the classic phase last season, he played only 1300 minutes this year. It’s a secret for no one, in the pressing that Riemer wanted to put in place, there is little room for an artist like Refaelov. Less influential, he therefore has much less interest in the Nordic version of Sporting.

“We say goodbye to a player who has given a lot to the club”began Jesper Fredberg in the press release. “Rafa is not just a classy player on the pitch, he is also a real gentleman off the pitch. But right now the club have to make decisions based on their strategy for the future.”

For his part, Lior Refaelov prefers to retain the positive points of his adventure on the side of the RSCA. “I had some very good times at this club. Of course, we also had some difficult times and I would have preferred to leave RSC Anderlecht after a successful season. Nevertheless, I have no regrets. I sincerely wish to the club, the staff and all my team-mates all the best for the future. I wish nothing more than to see RSC Anderlecht get back to where they belong as soon as possible.”

Indeed, Anderlecht finished in a (very) disappointing 11th place, the worst post-war season at Saint Guidon. To raise the bar, Fredberg, the sporting director, promised many changes. Which proves one thing: this departure will not be the last.

More info to follow…

2023-04-27 16:18:00
#Refaelov #Anderlecht #club #decisions #future


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