Parma Clima is rooting for the marrow donation

As part of the well-tested relationship of friendship and collaboration between Parma Baseball 1949 and the Bone Marrow Donor Association, an important meeting on bone marrow donation was held yesterday evening in the Hospitality hall of the Cavalli stadium. Sereno Fanfoni, president of the Parma Ducale Lions Club, Giovanni Frati, coordinator of the Club Service Committee, Pietro Di Liddo, health manager of the ADMO section of Parma, Fabrizio Mendogni, ADMO volunteer and bone marrow donor and Lorenzo Navarrini, ADMO volunteer were present . Parma Clima was represented by the Sports Director Maurizio Renaud, by the Team Manager Marco Campanini and by a large number of coaches and players.

At the end of the illustration of the topic under discussion, eight of the athletes participating in the meeting underwent the salivary sampling procedures for typing their own bone marrow and for enrollment in the National Donor Register.

For its part, the Parma Ducale Lions Club expressed its most heartfelt thanks to Parmaclima Baseball and its players for the availability and sensitivity shown towards the initiative, determining its full success. “Availability and sensitivity – states the Club’s press release – which with these latest memberships have allowed us to increase the number of new potential donors registered in the appropriate National Register by 214 units”.

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2023-04-21 17:49:51
#Parma #Clima #rooting #marrow #donation


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