Olympic and Paralympic week at the ENSP Cannes-Écluse a major sports project for the 28th class! – News

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Published on
17 avril 2023


On the proposal of officer cadet Guy-Antoine de La Hogue, the ENSP took part in the “Olympic and Paralympic Week”.

This event was orchestrated by the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games Organizing Committee and by the Ministry of National Education and Youth.

Each year, this Olympic week is honored. It promotes the practice of sport among young people and mobilizes the educational community around civic and sporting values: inclusion was the theme this year.

The officers benefited from a varied sports program: judo, basketball, fencing, para-athletics, biathlon, rugby, handball, tug of war with the presence of top athletes… These activities enabled them to discover the different disciplines through the fundamental values ​​of sport. The participation of numerous partners, notably USEP and CASDEN, made this project a success.

The values ​​conveyed by this action are part of a specific approach:

  • Join the policy of promoting sport in the national police
  • Continue the process of opening up to schools in the Pays de Montereau, in partnership with local elected officials and the sports union for primary education,
  • Encourage and promote the mobilization of cadets in the organization of ambitious and rewarding events for the school, the officer corps and the national police.

The “sport mission” set up with the DRCPN (national police resources and skills department) as well as the FSPN (national police sports federation) also took part in this project.

Various activities took place over these three days: conferences, exhibitions and film screenings on the themes of racial discrimination and the place of women in this area. Additional “formats” to promote discussion around this concept and allow the discovery of the different personalities who have marked the time. To close this week, the officers welcomed 291 children from neighboring schools. This action was set up in conjunction with the USEP (the sports union for primary education) which aims to promote sport at school. The children were able to enjoy and appreciate the sports sessions offered and create a bond with our officers who were listening to them.

Veronique Moreira

, vice-president of the CNOSF (French National Olympic and Sports Committee) responsible for education and USEP, spoke about the importance of sport at school and its benefits. She also welcomed the organization of this day with the children of schools and mentioned the wish for the sustainability of this type of event over time…

Rachel Costard,

general commissioner, head of the sport mission at the DRCPN underlined the importance of sport in the police force and “applauded” this great initiative which values ​​the police-population link.

Mr Emmanuel Bonifay
divisional commissioner, head of the Cannes-Écluse site congratulated the cadet Guy Antoine de La Hogue
who led this project and thanked all the officers for their involvement in the organization of this event.

This week was a real success much appreciated by the cadets of the 28e
promotion and children. To renew !

2023-04-17 14:58:55
#Olympic #Paralympic #week #ENSP #CannesÉcluse #major #sports #project #28th #class #News


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