Mercato: PSG embarks on a showdown

Foot – Market – PSG

Mercato: PSG embarks on a showdown

Published on April 10, 2023 at 02:45

Graduated from the School of Journalism in Paris. Specialized in football, and more particularly on the transfer window. Fan of PSG and Stade Français.

Free party from PSG last summer, Xavi Simons is a hit on the side of PSV Eindhoven. A state of form which therefore encourages Luis Campos to bring the young Dutch star back as soon as possible, but FC Barcelona is pointing the tip of its nose in this file and is trying to thwart the plans of PSG.

The PSG already places its pawns in view of the next market summery, and louis fields already seems to have a very precise idea of ​​the players he wishes to recruit to strengthen the Parisian workforce. The sports adviser is notably announced in the footsteps of Xavi Simons (19), who had decided to leave the PSG at the end of his contract last year and is currently a hit PSV Eindhoven (16 goals, 8 assists).

PSG have a clause for Simons

To facilitate the operation, the PSG also has a clause allowing him to buy the young Dutch striker, but the latter recently threw a chill in an interview with General Journal : « I understand that people are wondering about the clause in my contract which states that Paris can buy me out, but on the other hand, I also say to myself: I signed for five years with PSV, right? not ? Until 2027. I have a stable situation here. A club that trusts me. I just want to achieve great things here “. And this is not the only problem for the PSG.

Barcelona arrives on the file

As Mundo Deportivo revealed on Saturday, the FC Barcelona also plans to repatriate Xavi Simons this summer. Indeed, before joining the PSG in 2019, the young crack had been trained in the farmhouse. The standoff is therefore engaged in this case.


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