Marco Mignano runs the Cammino dei Cappuccini in 9 stages – Sport Marketing News

Marco Mignano runs the Cammino dei Cappuccini in 9 stages – Sport Marketing News

Marco Mignanothe urbinate ultrarunner sponsored by Escort Advisor, the first escort review site in Europe, had set out to travel the Way of the Capuchins run, a route of 17 stages loved by trekking enthusiasts that allows you to discover the history of the Capuchin Friars and at the same time to test yourself in a unique natural context.

So on April 13 he set off, running for just 9 days, for a total of 8 marathons and 1 half marathon. However, we are not talking about “simple” marathons. The route crosses the hills of the Marches which have a considerable difference in height, which overall reaches about 15,000 metres.

In fact, ultrarunning consists of running on routes usually in the mountains, where distances are greater than the standard 42km of the marathon. You need constant training, up to overcoming your own limits, and a lot of experience.

“Normal” regime training ranges from 60 to 80km at 3000 to 4000m above sea level per week, while pre-race training consists of 120km with 5000-6000m of elevation gain.

I was born in the Marche region and I have a deep love for this region. After the flood of 2022, I decided to challenge myself by honoring my territory, running the Cammino dei Cappuccini in its total length – says the athlete – it was difficult for me to understand how to prepare, because it is not easy to find case studies of people who have raced so long for so many days. Before the Cammino dei Cappuccini I faced two 80km races and this allowed me to bring my body to a good level”.

2023-04-27 09:53:26
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