Lionel Messi and his only condition to return to Barcelona


The negotiations between the Argentine and PSG are paralyzed, Barcelona is waiting for guarantees in LaLiga and from the capital they reveal that only great condition that Lionel Messi puts on the culé team to accept a second cycle for the club of his life. Will Laporta accept?

© Getty ImagesLionel Messi.

Barcelona and Lionel Andrés Messi are waiting right now for news from LaLiga in order to continue dreaming with a reunion that practically two years later, seems more viable than ever. The entity races against time while from the Argentine environment they have a single great condition to stamp the signature. Will they accept for the high positions of the Camp Nou?

Thinking about the return of Messi and it supposes a gigantic illusion, a brutal economic possibility for that entity that has been submerged in expenses since the pandemic and above all an outstanding debt on the part of managers who, like Joan Laporta, had to show him the exit door in August 2021. Almost 24 months later and with the club about to celebrate the new LaLiga title, no one hides the desire to close the return of the greatest culé idol.

“He really likes to come and he was in Barcelona for a few days as usual, but there was no contact with him”words of Mateu Alemany in the previous to the defeat with Rayo Vallecano to give the last hour on a Lionel Messi that in case everything follows its course, he will ask the club for a big gesture before requesting the signature.

Joan Laporta and Lionel Messi: Getty

The condition of the flea

There is much talk in these days about the steps that Barcelona will have to follow to achieve its goal, about the complicated financial operations involved in inserting Messi into a squad that will have to reduce its costs by more than 200 million euros. and even joint projects that would turn the signing of Lionel into a move beyond the pitch. That said, from the side of La Pulga there are also requirements that seek to close a complicated plot that generated the most traumatic divorce that is remembered by Catalonia in the short term.

Of course, before that we will have to wait for what LaLiga says, but from the Chain BE They do not doubt that Lionel Andrés Messi will ask the Barcelona board of directors for Joan Laporta to apologize with the soccer player from Rosario before asking for his signature. So far let’s remember, he has only had contact with Jorge Messi and for a time close to 40 minutes. The rift is still open between both parties for reasons of public knowledge.


Laser He talks about a situation that can occur both publicly and privately, but which is the only great requirement that Messi has to return to Catalonia, where he will earn less money than in Paris, where he intends to close a dream career and where, above all, there are pending accounts with the presidency. If there are financial guarantees from Madrid and Laporta kneels, La Pulga will find himself one step closer to returning to what was always his home.

Survey Does Laporta owe Messi an apology?

Does Laporta owe Messi an apology?


2023-04-27 12:38:37
#Lionel #Messi #condition #return #Barcelona


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