LBA 2022-23 Court of Appeal from -11 to Varese Basketball but…

“Bene, but not very well!” was the pleasantly ironic phrase with which a few years ago, the journalists of Sky Sport devoted to comments from overseas basketball but not only, it was customary to annotate a technical gesture, a performance by this or that athlete or even a story that concerned the sphere of the orange ball in sarcastic way, highlighting its intent o the positive ideal transformed But in the end in something that could still be done better.

You will therefore have guessed from the title of this article that referring the undersigned to the quarrel triggered last April 13 against both theOpenjobmetis Varese Basketball that of the way in which LBA e Fip manage their members/affiliates in their respective regulatory spheres of competence, l’incipt of the same of which above on the part of the writer cannot accept the sentence issued yesterday with maximum satisfactionWednesday 26 April, by the Federal Court of Appeals That reduces and -16 a -11 points the penalty to the current standings for the Varese team.

Here is the text from the Fip website:

“The Federal Court of Appeal, given the art. 116, paragraph 7, RG, in partial acceptance of the complaint proposed by the soc. Openjobmetis Pall. Varese imposes on it the sanction of 11 penalty points in the standings to be served in the current football season.

Confirm in the rest.

Having regard to Article 116, paragraph 8, of the RG, given the complexity of the issues subject to the complaint, it sets the deadline for filing the motivation at ten days.”

The same Openjobmetis Varese Basketball subsequently issued a press release in which it communicates that, “…Following the discussion in the Federal Court of Appeal, the penalty imposed for the well-known “Tepic affair” was reduced to 11 points, to be served in the current season…

The Company, confirming its belief that it has acted in full compliance with federal rules and regulations, reserves the right to evaluate the reasons for the decision with its defense team (…), before making any further decision in this regard.”

So let’s try to be pragmatic.

First of all beneat least, for the Varese basketball.

Indeed thanks to this -11 instead of -16 of the first sentencethe team of coach Matt Brase it would have Sunday 30th April the first possibility mathematics to save yourself from one relegation to A2 (which would have been sensational for what he showed in the season), playing it in the first person by beating the Givova Scafati in home having already done so on the way out.

Il 7 maggio then there would be to play l’ultima chance in the house of The power of Bologna 95% already first in the standings and therefore perhaps with a full stomach…

So, at least the -11 doesn’t put Varese cruelly and roughly against the wall and this is a positive detail.

Against, not great however the observation that something within the Varese leadership did not exactly go in a clear way in the management of the “Tepic Case”. This can be deduced on the basis of what was deposited by the defense of the Lombard team before the Federal Court and which led the same to reduce the penalty.

Report indeed The Cisalpine that the college of lawyers of the Varese basketball would have presented as a defense thesis before the Court the exclusion of each “…Rresponsibility of Luis Scola in the management of the Tepic affair following an internal investigation.”.

We have already expressed our opinion, negative, on length and muddle with which this story was triggered and managed by the Fip and how the -16 vs Varese at this point of the season he has thrown further (and repeat offenders…), weighty, question marks on the entire world of Italian basketball that lived behind his desks.

But if the defensive thesis of the Lombard team it was accepted…Well, then for equal judgment it seems clear that even at home Varese basketball things did not go as they should have gone: because if the CEO louis scola was unaware of such an important fact, a fact that he might even have compromised decisively the team’s season, so how can we not say that the Lombard team has more than a few functional flaws inside it?

The reasons for this sentence will be published in 10 days, after which the Pallacanestro Varese will decide whether to oppose even the -11 having placed, at the beginning of the season, the will to bring the club back to European competitions and this could come true, wild card aside, following a good finish in the championship.

Unfortunately, in the background a confusing picturefaded on how the rules are handled so too slow and cumbersome by the federal bodies (are we sure that if they were within the LBA it would be better?), and how the clubs, in turn, commit more than a few mistakes internally and then expose themselves to these events: it’s not time to try to reverse course?

Fabrizio Noto/FRED


2023-04-27 18:16:42
#LBA #Court #Appeal #Varese #Basketball #but..


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