Klay Thompson warns his rivals for the ring

Golden State has had a season that can’t be called anything less than spotty. After being champions less than a year ago, doubts have haunted them for months to the point that with one game to go they still have not assured their presence in the playoffs (if they beat Portland it will be certified).

Despite such a context, the morale of the Warriors is still very high. Those of San Francisco have won in seven of their last nine games and feel that they are back on track to fight for the ring. This is how Klay Thompson explains it bluntly: “I don’t see a team that can beat us in a seven-game series when we’re healthy.”

Whether Klay’s opinion is more or less accurate, what is clear is that the Californians must avoid mistakes made regularly during the regular season to be a reliable team in the playoffs. For the guard, the fundamental pillars on which the Warriors must focus are to value the ball, not settle for bad shots and talk a lot on defense. “If we do that, we will be in a great position to repeat,” he says.

With no physical problems, and waiting for Andrew Wiggins to be able to rejoin the team’s routine, Steve Kerr comments that that certain chaos that they sometimes experience in games is part of the Warriors’ DNA.

“We have always been a team that lives on the edge. We are a bit wild, a bit chaotic, but we have thrived in that chaos for many years. We just can’t cross the limit… It’s up to us. We have it in us. The concentration and attention to detail must be there », he emphasizes.

(Photo by Thearon W. Henderson/Getty Images)


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