«Kean unavailable for Sassuolo Juve»

Allegri press conference: the words on the eve of Sassuolo Juve, valid for the 30th matchday of Serie A

(sent to Allianz Stadium) – The Juve wants to get back up A league after last week’s defeat against Lazio. Massimiliano Allegri’s bianconeri are guests of Sassuolo on the 30th matchday.

On the vigil day, Saturday 15 April, Massimiliano Allegri intervened at 12.00 in Press conference to present the match in front of the media. Juventusnews24 followed his words LIVE.

TRAINING CHANGES – «At the moment I can only say that I don’t think Kean will be available because in yesterday’s training he suffered a problem with his flexor. For the others I’ll have to evaluate this afternoon when I see them because Thursday’s game took away a lot of energy anyway. We have players in the squad who are in good physical condition and today I will more or less evaluate who to take on the pitch tomorrow».

WALLS AND POGBA – “They are two different situations. Paredes is physically fine and is ready to play. Pogba is not ready to play yet.”

SZCZESNY – «Today I’ll talk to Tek, if he’s serene and calm he can come away with us and come on the bench. So at least he has a day of recovery and rest, Perin is in good condition but above all he has become an important goalkeeper. Compared to when he arrived at Juventus he has made some really important progress and improvements, now he is among the best there are. For reliability and presence within the match. So I’m very happy with the work done on him by Claudio Filippi».

REST FOR BREMER – «Today let’s see, he has played many games, he has a bit of a sore throat. Let’s see how it is. There are Rugani and Bonucci, Leo also trained with the team and is in better condition than last week. I’ll have to evaluate this afternoon.’

FRATTESE – «Frattesi is a Sassuolo player, so make some judgements… I went to watch a Monza match in B and I said to Galliani ‘Who is that guy there?’, this little boy who ran around the field and it was clear that he had good qualities».

SASSUOLO – “I’m in excellent condition. They lost in Verona because, as a friend of mine says, the devil invented football. A closed match… They lost an inexplicable match, but this is football. But that doesn’t change the fact that they’re in good condition, they played a good game from a technical and physical point of view. Tomorrow we have to try to get back to winning ways Why in Rome we lost. It is a period in which we have two trips to Lazio and Sassuolo away, we will have Naples at home and Bologna away. In between we will have two important cup matches so it’s 15 important days, then closing in Bologna which is doing very well. We have to return to victory knowing that we are facing a tough team. We have Atalanta with 4 points on the standings which is written net of 15 points. On the other hand, Lazio surpassed us in the current field classification by winning yesterday and therefore we must return to victory to return to second in the standings. Another goal is to improve on last year’s ranking in terms of positions. At the moment we have improved it, but there are 9 games left, there are 27 points available. There is still a long way to go, but the objectives are very clear».

HOW MANY POINTS DO YOU HOPE TO GET AFTER THESE 7 DAYS – «In the meantime, we’ll try to score points against Sassuolo tomorrow, which would be another little step forward, then on Thursday we’ll go and play this good match in Lisbon. There is another goal to achieve. We can’t go that far, we have many games and we will try to fill May with even more games and this would mean playing the semi-final of the Europa League and getting to play in the final of the Coppa Italia. But let’s take it one step at a time, which is the most important thing».

CRITICISM OF PAULO SOUSA – “I respect and listen to everyone’s opinion. Already I struggle to see my team, let alone if I can give advice. Then I don’t think it’s nice, it’s a lack of respect to give them. As if tomorrow I had to give advice to another coach on what to do and what not to do. I already struggle to do that with my team, let alone think about how another team can play. There are very good coaches who are able to manage their own team and manage other teams».

THE TEAM CHANGES WITH THE PRESENCE OF BERARDI – “We’ll see this tomorrow whether Berardi is there or not.”

DE SCIGLIO RETURNS – «De Sciglio will hardly be there, he trained yesterday and his leg didn’t feel free so he will hardly be available. We will have some Under 23 players who will be part of the away game tomorrow and will be ready to play».

MANCINI SAYS THERE ARE TOO MANY FOREIGNERS IN A – “But do I have to agree with everything other people say? Fortunately I speak little. I think it’s one of the few qualities I have. Normally he is the coach of the national team, I don’t know how many Italian players play or don’t play. However, Mancini is doing an excellent job with the national team».

ATTACK – «Vlahovic played half an hour the other day, he’s in good condition and he played 60 minutes in Rome, tomorrow I think he’ll be in the game. I have to see Di Maria today, he played two 90-minute matches both in Rome with Lazio and on Thursday he went off with 3 minutes to go. Let’s see how Chiesa is doing, he did 90 very good minutes. I am very happy with what he has done but he must not be satisfied with this. He has room for improvement to stay within the game but he has qualities that are difficult to find in other players. Milik is better, he’s back 60 days after the injury and has played a few parts of the game but he’s a reliable player. From that point of view I am serene, the important thing is to understand the moment. Right now we need to tighten our belts even more because we need to get the results and we’re in a beautiful and important moment of the season».

LONG LOOKING TO POGBA TO BE THE OWNER – «Yesterday he had a good 20 minutes of training with the ball, today we’ll see how he’s doing. He can only improve, we all hope so because he can become an important player, if not for the whole game but for 20 minutes or half an hour whatever it will be, between now and the end of the championship ».

WAITING FOR THE VERDICT OF APRIL 19 – «We live it serenely, by now we have a nice armor. Because we are focused on single matches and goals. We are 4 points behind Atalanta, net of the 15 points so we still have a team ahead to take. We have to keep Bologna behind and bring Atalanta closer who will then have a direct confrontation. 27 stitches is a lot, so let’s take it one step at a time. We are confident in what we do. We work every day to improve what there is to improve».


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