Ituma funeral: “Death incomprehensible enigma”

White roses on a light wooden coffin. A few tears, a lot of composure, an applause at the entrance to the church and one at the exit of the coffin at the end of the ceremony, accompanied by the songs of the parish choir. Many wreaths of flowers on the churchyard. “I’m heartbroken, I can’t believe it. We haven’t heard from each other for some time, but I have so many memories with her. Even as a child she was very strong”, says a former teammate.

The applause for the last farewell

Then the applause broke the silence and the songs of the choir of the San Filippo Neri parish accompanied them Julia Ituma’s coffin. A last greeting for the 18-year-old volleyball player who died on April 13 in Istanbul after rushing from the hotel that hosted her and the whole Igor Novara team. Upon leaving the church, where the funeral took place, many people have surrounded family members for a word and a hug.

“Death incomprehensible riddle”

It’s a “incomprehensible riddle” according to the archbishop of Milan Mario Delpini the disappearance of Julia Ituma. He underlined this in a message of “closeness and sharing” sent this morning, on the occasion of the funeral, to family members, friends and the whole community” who are experiencing a moment of agony and bewilderment”, who have “questions, anxieties, feelings of guilt” mixed with “happy memories”. “We don’t know what Julia went through” he admits but “we know what Jesus wants: that we are all saved, that all are loved”, he who died on the cross of the people’s incomprehensible cruelty”. “With this certainty we pray for Julia: may she come the consolation for the family and those who are pierced by pain too big and too unfair and for everyone – he concludes – there is an invitation to keep our gaze fixed on Jesus, who is the persuasive word that invites us to live, to live well, to live to fulfill one’s vocation and never to despair “. Delpini spoke of a “mysterious, incomprehensible and unpredictable death“, of a “drama” but also makes an invitation to hope.

Don Ivan quotes the Pope

Don’t be ashamed of being afraid of the dark. Fears must be said in order to chase them away. Fears are in the darkness but when they are put into the light the truth breaks out.” Don Ivan Belliniparish priest in San Filippo Neri, chooses the words of Pope Francis to pay his last respects to Julia Ituma.

2023-04-18 10:45:52
#Ituma #funeral #Death #incomprehensible #enigma


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