In Plouguin, the Traveling Recreation Area offers entertainment from April 17 to 21 – Plouguin

Saturday April 1, 2023, Christine Saliou, youth childhood assistant in Plouguin, invited young people from the age of 10 and their parents to a presentation of the activities of the Traveling Recreation Area (ELI) offered by the Sports and Cultural Federation of France. The activities will take place from April 17 to 21 at the sports hall, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

On the program: tchoukball, kin-ball, indiaka, archery, circus arts, but also cooking time and manual activities. The goal, emphasizes Christine Saliou, is to “encourage exchanges between young people and develop their curiosity. They compose together the program of the week to best satisfy everyone’s desires.

Note that this operation is organized in partnership with the municipalities of Lampaul-Ploudalmézeau and Saint-Pabu.


Information and registration on [email protected]


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