home final! Towers want to react to the debacle – and ensure they stay up in the league

Towers pro Polite celebrates a basket in the Eurocup game against Trento
Anthony Polite (right) wants to shake the island park with his towers for the last time this season. Photo: WITTERS

For the last time this season, the Veolia Towers Hamburg will enter the arena of the local island park. The omens before today’s game against Crailsheim (8.30 p.m.), they are also special because the relegation can finally be made perfect. But there is not much anticipation in Wilhelmsburg. Because the Weißenfels debacle still has to be worked up.

Frankfurt delivered the through ball on Sunday: After the Skyliners lost 107:113 against Bayreuth, the Towers could no longer take the saving bank with a win against the Merlins, who recently lost seven away games in a row. However, the towers do not go into their decisive game with a lot of self-confidence. The 80:123 swatter in Weißenfels is still in the minds of the team.

BBL: Towers can make it clear against Crailsheim

“We have to show a physical and energetic reaction after the last game,” demands head coach Benka Barloschky. Winger Anthony Polite is certain: “I know we will go into the game with enormous energy and physique, both defensively and offensively, in response to the last game.”

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After a disappointing season, the Hamburgers want to say goodbye to their fans with a positive experience. The Inselpark will not be full at the end of the season – around 2200 tickets were sold by Monday.

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Barloschky emphasizes that the Towers have big plans for their loyal supporters: “We want to do everything we can to show our fans, who have given us incredible support during this difficult season, a great last home game.”

2023-04-25 08:31:00
#home #final #Towers #react #debacle #ensure #stay #league


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