Here’s What Will Happen To Your Body If You Do 100 Burpees A Day For 30 Days

Do you want to take on a fitness “little challenge” before the summer? You are spoiled for choice and spoiled for choice!

Whether it’s taking 10,000 steps a day for 30 days like this man, 100 push-ups a day, 30 seconds of core strength daily, and so on, the range of possibilities is vast.

If you want to melt the fat like a pot of rillettes on the radiator, why not rely on the burpees challenge?

What is the burpees challenge?

You guessed it, it’s going to be a lot of burpees over the next 30 days, but not anyhow!

The idea is to use the structure of a famous American Marine, @Iron WolfWho on his YouTube channel proposed this challenge in July 2022.

Iron Wolf has become known for its ability to send training volume.

Son slogan, “Welcome to rep city”, son crédo, large numbers of repetitions bodyweight exercises without recovery.

He often films himself for an hour doing push-ups, burpees, squats, pull-ups and more, in rangers and military fatigues under a blazing sun.

His will, inspire your communityto show that with mentality and discipline, anything is possible.

It is on this observation that he established in 2021 the bases of his challenge, created for his community and imposed on himself (in addition to his military duties).

Why burpees?

Surely the most complete bodyweight exercise, the burpee burns around 300 kcal per 30 minutes (for someone weighing 70kg).

Iron Wold love burpeeslegend has it that he ate it for breakfast in his bowl of milk.

For him, and we had already done an article on the subject (to be found here), it is simply the best exercise of all time.

Burpees build your fitness like no other exercise.

According to him, burpees are the ultimate exercise for their ability to

  • solicit the majority of the muscles of the body,
  • be practicable anywhere,
  • use aerobic AND anaerobic systems,
  • work on cardio, resistance AND the mind,
  • be fully modular…

Solid arguments to which we could add a good caloric expenditure.

The challenge in question

“Throw a bucket of water on a rock, nothing will happen. Drop a drop of water everyday on a rock, you will make a hole in that rock.”

700 burpees a day for 30 days…

Presented like this, you certainly don’t really want to get into it, but don’t worry, there are several proposals depending on the level:

  • Beginners – 100 burpees + 25 – 35 pull-ups,
  • Intermediaries – 300 burpees + 50-75 pull-ups,
  • Advances – 500 burpees + 100- 125 pull-ups,
  • Elites – 700 burpees + 150-200 pull-ups.

Choose the right level, keeping in mind that the goal is not to finish 3 sessions, but to last the whole month.

Burpees are often criticized for not having a pulling movement, so that the back muscles are neglected…

We can imagine that this is the reason why the Wolf adds pull-ups to its challenge (see below on the implementation of these).

The rules of the challenge

At the level of the burpees, we start on “6 count burpees” which, according to our soldier, allow a better form of movement.

A 6 count burpee excludes the jump at the end of the exercise which tends to degrade the shape.

Thus, we keep a certain discipline and we can easily count the times:

  1. Standing, we throw our hands on the ground,
  2. We send the feet and hips back to move into a push-up position,
  3. We pump to the bottom,
  4. We pump to the top,
  5. Bring the feet to the level of the hands,
  6. We get up.

As for the rules:

  1. On each burpee, you count the times out loud : 1,2,3,4,5,6… 1 repetition, 1,2,3,4,5,6, 2 repetitions… Yes, it’s harder, but we’re here to exercise our minds too,
  2. No alcohol or sugar during the challenge,
  3. Monday, Wednesday, Friday are days when you will do pull-ups in addition to your burpees (either after or at another time of the day),
  4. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday are days when you will add 30 minutes of running,
  5. Always warm up before a workout.

Here is the recommended warm-up for this challenge:

Take the time to do this warm-up with each session in order to raise the body temperature, warm up the joints and get a few more calories!

Here is what your action plan would look like as a beginner:

100 burpees + 25-35 pull-ups100 burpees + 30 min running100 burpees + 25-35 pull-ups100 burpees + 30 min running100 burpees + 25-35 pull-ups100 burpees + 30 min runningREPOS
100 burpees + 25-35 pull-ups100 burpees + 30 min running100 burpees + 25-35 pull-ups100 burpees + 30 min running100 burpees + 25-35 pull-ups100 burpees + 30 min runningREPOS
100 burpees + 25-35 pull-ups100 burpees + 30 min running100 burpees + 25-35 pull-ups100 burpees + 30 min running100 burpees + 25-35 pull-ups100 burpees + 30 min runningREPOS
100 burpees + 25-35 pull-ups100 burpees + 30 min running100 burpees + 25-35 pull-ups100 burpees + 30 min running100 burpees + 25-35 pull-ups100 burpees + 30 min runningREPOS
100 burpees + 25-35 pull-ups100 burpees + 30 min running100 burpees + 25-35 pull-upsFINFINFINFIN

Advice for the success of this challenge

burpees every day
Do you want to achieve the same results as this youtuber? Regularity!

For beginners

If you are a perfect beginner aiming for fitness, it will be necessary to adjust this plan which risks being a little too difficult.

The first week, the 100 daily burpees will already be the end of the world for you!

Here is what I offer you:

  • Over the first 10 days, work on gradually increase your number of burpees (20, 30, 40, 50…), mainly work on your technique (see our guide) and take a day off if necessary (you must give your body time to adapt),
  • If you are not used to running, here too, we do not start with 30 minutes, you can start for example with sessions of 15-20 minutes during which you alternate 5 minutes of walking and 5 minutes of jogging,
  • If you don’t want to run, try to walk at least 5000-8000 steps a day every day, or more if you already walk a lot.
  • If you are unable to do pull-ups, opt for Aussie pull-ups, focus on technique and do 3 sets of max reps on pull-up days.

The key is regularity, go gradually!

You may be full of good will, but it’s a 30-day marathon, not a 24-hour sprint.

“Who wants to go far takes care of his mount”.

Quality prevails!

The burpee is a complex movement, to understand it, break it down into 6 steps, count them, don’t rush anything, quality >>>>> quantity.

40 quality burpees will always be better than 100 poorly performed burpees.

As you get better at performing burpees, increase your pace, going as fast as you can while maintaining proper form and using proper technique.

At first, break your burpees down into sets of 5, then 10, then 15… take the necessary recovery.

Eventually, you will be proud to be able to chain 50 burpees, see more, without rest.

Recovery is just as important as training

As the Wolf puts it so well:

I don’t believe in overtraining, I believe in insufficient recovery – Iron Wolf

This is very well said, and it will illustrate my next point: take the necessary rest!

If you are tired, rest.

You can always extend the challenge for a week, there is no rush.

Take care of the 5 factors of a good recovery:

  • Nutrition, good fresh foods, avoiding sugar and alcohol,
  • Hydration, before, during, after training,
  • Stress management,
  • Sleep, in bed every day at the same time, up every morning at the same time, weekends included,
  • Flexibility and mobility work.

At the beginning, you will inevitably suffer from aches, it is only a bad course to pass, the regularity and the adaptation will overcome the pains.

You can use gloves for better ground traction, especially when your hands get sweaty.

Track the time required each day to do your number of burpees!

You will feel proud to see such an evolution (you can add your average heart rate during the exercise if you have access to it).

For other levels

Intermediate and advanced practitioners can absolutely take part in the challenge by selecting the right range of repetitions.

Already have a workout routine in place? So what ?

Iron Wolf added his 700 burpees a day IN ADDITION to his military obligations (which, one might suspect, already include a hectic gym schedule).

The challenge will always be good to take, if only for its “discipline” and “mental” aspects.

As always, adapt!

What to expect in terms of results?

Significant weight loss? Not said!

Never forget that at the end of the day, what counts for weight loss is not the number of burpees you have sent, but the calorie deficit.

150 burpees will burn what… 100 kcal for someone weighing 80 kg…

That’s the equivalent of 80g of white bread, so keep in mind that eating calories is infinitely easier than burning them.

This challenge must be accompanied by a healthy diet if you really want to melt.

Beyond that, you will mainly improve your cardiovascular system and your strength.

You will be more and more effective on your burpees and, gradually, you will pass the bar of ten minutes for your 100 burpees.

It’s a safe bet that the reflection of your mirror will change.

In the video above, which I invite you to watch for a motivational boost, the man goes from:

  • 14:30 m to 7:33 m to perform his 100 daily burpees,
  • 75 BPM to 57 BPM at rest,
  • 175 BPM to 165 BPM in action,
  • a nicely sharp physique (more developed pecs), less fat mass despite “only” 2 kg lost.

Finally, don’t get too obsessed with numbers, just notice how you feel better.

Updated by Quentin on:20/04/2023

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