Helmond Sport opens extra boxes for Heracles supporters: ‘Want to give something back’ | Helmond Sports

Not 340, but 590 supporters of Heracles Almelo are welcome on Friday evening at De Braak, where Helmond Sport will play against the team from Overijssel that evening. The club management of the Helmonders has decided to make extra courses available, also because the demand from Almelo is high.

Heracles Almelo is close to a return to the premier league and the promotion fever is increasing nicely among the supporters. Friday is still too early for Heracles, but the 590 tickets made available by Helmond Sport have now been sold. “We want to give something back to Heracles, because we were also very hospitably received there earlier this season,” emphasizes a spokesman for Helmond Sport.

Lately, supporters in general have often been seen in a negative light due to the events in the Dutch stadium, in Helmond they hope to show on Friday that things can be done differently.

The fanatical core of Heracles supporters is simply in the visitors’ section, for the ‘day trippers’ – think of parents with children – two sections are emptied on the side of the business club. The Helmond Sport supporters who actually sit in those places are assigned a more luxurious place.

Heracles itself makes a selection between the supporters, who will come to De Braak by bus.


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