Handball and judo: excellent results for the Rodez university sports association

Handball and judo: excellent results for the Rodez university sports association

This Thursday, April 20, 2023, the handball players will play the academic final against Paul-Sabatier.

The Ruthenian university sports association (Asur) was created in 2006 by Sophie Marre, teacher in Staps (Science and techniques of physical and sports activities), who is still its president. It brings together the Jean-François-Champollion University, the IUT of Rodez and the XIIe avenue campus.

Energize student life

“The objective was to energize the life of Ruthenian students around sporting events and various activities”, commented Sophie Marre. A member of the FFSU (French University Sports Federation), organizer of university competitions, Asur engages Ruthenian teams and athletes each year in these collective and individual sports competitions.

Academic final for handball players this April 20

This season, she has recorded several remarkable results. This is particularly the case of its men’s handball team. She will play the academic final, Thursday April 20 at 8:30 p.m. at the La Roque gymnasium, against the formidable Toulouse team of Paul-Sabatier.

To get there, the group brilliantly passed the qualifying phases and then the final phases. If the team is made up of players playing in a club, in Rodez-Onet, Espalion or in the Toulouse metropolis, the non-licensees have quickly adapted to the rhythm imposed by this competition.

Third place in France university judo

Asur also saw its colors brilliantly defended in judo. Etienne Boudou won third place in the French university championship, in the -100 kg category. He qualified for the European Championship in July in Zagreb.

2023-04-19 07:32:55
#Handball #judo #excellent #results #Rodez #university #sports #association


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