Genzano, the flower paintings of the Genzanese flower masters on display in the main squares in Rome for the 171st Police Day

Published: Wednesday, 12 April 2023 – Newsroom

Genzano (current events) – Great satisfaction for the artists

This morning the 6 beautiful paintings made by the Genzanese flower masters with the traditional techniques of the infiorata were installed and finished on the Pincio terrace where the Festival was held with the authorities and in 5 other historic Roman squares.

> LOOK AT THE PHOTOSJudo Frascati 3 ilmamilio

Great satisfaction for the artists of the Genzanese flower art, who for the second year have been called to create the stupendous works of petals and natural essences. Great satisfaction not only for them, but also for the entire Genzanese community, this morning a delegation from the municipality was also present with the mayor Carlo Zoccolotti.

Compliments and thanks went to all the flower masters not only from the Chief of Police but also from the highest State and Governmental authorities present at the 171st Year Party of the State Police Foundation on the Pincio terrace.

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