For the New Rimini long trip to Foggia

A debut in the A 2023 series as a steamroller, that of San Marino reigning Italian champion who, in front of his aficionados, in Serravalle, asphalts the Athletics Bologna, challenges both finished in the 7th inning for manifest superiority. Doriano Bindi’s biancazzurri prevailed in match 1 thanks to 13 hits (11-1), to then make an encore in the following match by slinging as many as 16 hits (12-0), against the total 8 hits by the Petronians in the two matches. Also noteworthy is the overall 0 of the San Marino players under the item defensive errors. On this Saturday, again in Serravalle (3 and 7 pm), the Titans host the newly promoted Padule. Strengthened by the grafts of the pitchers Alexis Infante e Daniel Marsilias well as having players already accustomed to the top flight such as Junior Perez, Sean Fasano e Leonardo Molina, the Emilians in the first outing against the expert Macerata remedied two defeats. In serie B, on banks of the Marecchia, the Milan New Rimini. The red and white helmed by Gilberto Zucconi they defeated the newly promoted cousins ​​of Rimini86, in a derby that didn’t always march in one direction as the final scores seem to lead to believe: race 1 remains balanced up to 5th (4-4), race 2 is 4-3 up to 7th. Then the defense of the Owls set up by the manager Simone Perazzini he combines expensive messes, thus capitulating in both races (14-4 and 13-3, both concluded early in the 8th). On this Sunday, a long trip for the red and whites from Rimini, engaged on the Foggia diamond. The Apulians arrive from the matches on the Potenza Picena field postponed due to bad weather. The Owls, on the other hand, are called to their home debut, and to a prompt redemption, on Spadarolo’s ‘Michelucci’ diamond against Fano (matches at 10 and 15).

Fano who is returning from the good draw remedied on the debut on the field of Falcons Pedrera Tower Of Willy Lucena. In fact, the birds of prey won race 1 (8-0) with very few worries, but had to give up in race 2 (4-5).

2023-04-20 10:46:55
#Rimini #long #trip #Foggia


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