FC Barcelona women | The return of Alexia Putellas: an unknown 24 hours before the semi-final of the Champions League

The return of Alexia Putellas will be sooner rather than later. The Barça captain, with good feelings, wants to be cleared for this Thursday’s game (6:45 p.m., DAZN) against him Chelsea in it Camp Nou. Return for the return of the semifinals of the Champions in the temple is his goal. The club welcomes his return —in terms of marketing— but the medical services are not convinced. They don’t want to unnecessarily risk an injury as complicated as a cruciate ligament tear. The doubt about the return of Alexia will continue until the Barcelona club reveals the call this Wednesday

Alexia Putellas at Stamford Bridge in the first leg against Chelsea. EFE

And it is not nine months ago that Alexia had to undergo surgery after breaking her knee hours before the start of the World Cup. While the estimated recovery time was between 10 and 12 months, the one from Mollet del Vallés has already been training with the team since the eighth month.

“Alexia is an intelligent aunt and she already knew what was going to happen in this stage of her recovery, she is very aware,” he explained. patri pebble. “Both the club and we are helping her. Obviously, whatever it means to feel as little pressure as possible, the better for her, because it is not an easy injury,” she admits hours before the decisive game with which they can be planted in the fourth final of the Champions League in five years.

“The important thing is that she feels good and has good feelings,” he defended. Sandra Cloths. “Obviously, until it reaches its maximum level, it still has left, but we see it very similar to what it was and little by little it has to roll over,” stressed the goalkeeper, aware of the expectation generated by the return to the fields of game of twice Golden Ball.

Without risking, Alexia wants to have her first minutes in front of her fans in the last Champions League game that the Camp Nou will host before undergoing the remodeling of the Barça space.

2023-04-25 19:22:19
#Barcelona #women #return #Alexia #Putellas #unknown #hours #semifinal #Champions #League


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