FC Barcelona | They accuse Tebas of false evidence against Barça in the ‘Negreira Case’

Act. a las 09:17


The week starts with new information about the ‘Negreira Case’, but this time it not only points to Barça, but also points to the president of LaLiga, Javier Tebas. According to La Vanguardia, the president of LaLiga would have sent false evidence to the Prosecutor’s Office directly implicating the former presidents Josep Maria Bartomeu and Sandro Rosell, in the alleged crimes of unfair administration and misappropriation.

Thebes did it using, according to the information, a document handwritten by Josep Contreras, former director of the club and deceased. In fact, it has been the same family that has confirmed that the names that appear in the document are not those of the former Barça presidents.

Other different cause

Thus, the manuscript that the president of the competition provided to the Prosecutor’s Office, It had nothing to do with the ‘Negreira Case’, since it was from another cause, that of the Soule case. This focused on investigating the alleged diversion of funds from the Spanish Federation chaired by Ángel María Villar and LaLiga had access to appear as an accusation.

According to the information, in the document delivered to the Prosecutor’s Office on February 22, personally signed by him, it related the names of the former presidents with those that appeared in the document.

The clarification of the family

Everything has been resolved by the clarification of the family of the deceased, who have confirmed that the document was written decades ago and that the names that appear are actually those of Emilio Román, lawyer for Contreras; Ramon Rosell, accountant of his companies; and Josep María was an employee of Banca Catalana. Nothing to do with the former presidents.

The Theban Notice

Tebas himself, although he warns the Prosecutor’s Office that: “The limitation period for the alleged and hypothetical crimes could be close”also explains that the proof that it sends: “Neither is this part speculative in any way, nor does this document imply the exercise of a specific accusation against anyone”.

In turn, it also included that: “We consider that the names and surnames contained in the handwritten note may coincide with the names and/or surnames of certain former FCB directors

To end with a: “Of the documentation that is provided in this writing, and that other that the media indicate that it would already be available to this Prosecutor’s Office, nor it is far from ruled out that other crimes such as unfair administration or misappropriation could concur“.

The same president of LaLiga has already responded with a tweet to the information published this Monday by La Vanguardia.


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