Faced with the annoyance of Medio Metro, Liga Mx apologizes for “confusion”

The Mexican soccer league and Medio Metro Original they staged a scuffle on social networks that ended in an apology from the Mx League He played the character played by José Eduardo Rodríguez.

The foregoing was derived after last Friday, the Nuevo Medio Metro will be presented as part of the halftime show of the match between Puebla and Tolucawhich took place on the field of the Cuauhtémoc Stadium in the capital of Puebla.

The detail that made Medio Metro explodewas that on Twitter the league referred to Medio Metro, but not to the original, causing the latter’s annoyance to the organization.

Once this controversy was presented, the Mx League responded to Medio Metro Original, offering an apology for what they classified as “confusion” and nothing more.

We apologize for the confusion in yesterday’s tweet. Greetings, @MedioMetro_Ofi!” Was what the Mexican league published on its official Twitter.

We apologize for the confusion in yesterday’s tweet. Greetings, @MedioMetro_Ofi

— Liga BBVA MX (@LigaBBVAMX) April 9, 2023

Minutes later, his own Medio Metro Original responded on their social networks with a “greetings compas, no problem”.

After the apology of the Mx League, many fans were enraged for having carried out this act, as they assure that they should not have given importance to the influencer.

What was the message that sparked the annoyance of Medio Metro?

AHHH MEDIO METRO… IN CUAUHTEMOC”, this was the message that the Mx League published on its social networks and which triggered the annoyance of Medio Metro Original.

It is worth mentioning that the presentation of this character was in charge of the Puebla club board, so the Mx League saw this act well, which is why it decided on its Twitter account to allude to this event.

Immediately afterwards, Medio Metro Original attacked responding that he could not believe that the professional league did not know how to distinguish between an imitator and the originalspeaking of course of the characters, which have already gone viral for several months.

IT MAY INTEREST YOU: ‘Regrettable’; Original Medio Metro explodes against Liga MX for inviting the new Medio Metro

It cannot be that the professional league of Mexico does not know how to distinguish between an imitator and the original. Regrettable ”, was what the Original Half Metro wrote.




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