Estonian tennis players lose in the decisive match and do not reach the level of Latvia – Tennis –

As already reported, 10-15 In April, the European/African event took place in the Turkish city of Antalya first group tournament, where the Latvian women’s tennis team won seventh place. The two best teams (Sweden and the Netherlands) advanced and will compete for qualification to the final tournament in the November play-off. The two weakest (Egypt and Croatia) were relegated and will play in the second group.

Europe/Africa was held in Portugal this week second group tournament, where 11 national teams fought for two tickets to the first group. In the end, Portugal and Greece came next.

The Estonian national team also included the country’s second racket Anete Kontaveita and the third number Jelena Maligin, but the nominal leader Kaija Kanepi (WTA 64) did not help. In four matches, there were 3-0 victories over the Republic of South Africa, Kosovo, Ireland and Georgia, while Lithuania was defeated 2-1.

In the decisive match for advancing, Estonia lost 0-2 to Greece. The outstanding leader Marija Sakari (WTA 9th) did not play in the Southern team, because she had not trained for a week due to illness. Yelena Malygin (WTA 374) lost 2:6 and 4:6 to the third seed of Greece, Valentini Gramatikopoulos (WTA 202), while Anete Kontaveita (WTA 69) surprisingly lost to the second number of her opponents, Despina Papamihaila, with 2:6 and 4:6 (WTA 151).

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2023-04-15 22:55:00
#Estonian #tennis #players #lose #decisive #match #reach #level #Latvia #Tennis


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