du judo au golf – Docdusport

Didier Rousseau: from judo to golf

Former high-level judoka and national federal doctor at the French Judo Federation, Didier Rousseau keeps in shape. At 69, he has adapted his sports practice to continue to be active, while taking into account his physical abilities. This is how he took up golf in July 2021, in order to replace judo, tennis or even running, which he could no longer practice. Less traumatic and completely opposite to his universe, golf has become his main physical activity and a challenge to take up.

DDS: Didier Rousseau, how do you go from judo to golf?

Didier Rousseau: I knew people who practiced it and I wanted to discover this new universe in my turn. It very quickly became a sports project even if for me, it is above all a hobby. It’s a discipline that goes against what I knew in judo, both physically and intellectually. I had to reset my “software” to 0, very interesting challenge. The dynamism and power are completely different from judo where you have to be explosive. Judo is practiced in the form of a duel while golf is played alone, even if we share this activity with other people. There is also the notion of equipment to manage and the fact of playing outdoors which were new to me. It is a difficult and time-consuming discipline. All these reasons motivated me to get started.

Is it an advantage to have been a top athlete?

Didier Rousseau: We always keep the spirit of competition, even if we have to adapt it. You also need humility in the face of the best players and the environment that you don’t control. All these reasons make it necessary to always stay focused and not become demotivated. I learned to be diligent and persevering thanks to judo, I’m not afraid to repeat the same exercises and I keep the will to progress as I did back then.

What are your goals ?

Didier Rousseau: I am a beginner and I have no claim on my sporting level in golf. No one knows me in this environment, which makes things easier for me; I try to achieve the best course when I play, no matter what is happening around. I enjoy playing with my wife, she is better than me and it is an activity that we can do together, not like judo! I play 2-3 times a week, sometimes more when I have time. I am always looking for the beautiful gesture, it remains a new practice, very technical for me.

As a doctor, why do you recommend the practice of golf?

Didier Rousseau: It is not a traumatic sport if it is practiced well. It is suitable for all ages. I have seen elderly people move with difficulty and hit the ball very well on a golf course! It is a physical activity accessible to all. However, you have to pay attention to the time it takes and not let yourself be destabilized by the headaches that you can have when you are not satisfied… Golf requires a great mental investment and controlling your nervousness is very important… and interesting!

Adventurous triathlete – Sports and sports journalist – Scientific training in natural and life sciences – Deputy editor

2023-04-27 03:16:26
#judo #golf #Docdusport


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