Driving in the ultra marathon: Scottish Zakrzewski disqualified

EA short drive during the Manchester to Liverpool ultramarathon has resulted in a Scottish long-distance runner being disqualified. Joasia Zakrzewski covered 2.5 of the total of 50 miles (80 kilometers) in England on four wheels, suspicious times convicted the third-placed 47-year-old.

Tracking data showed that Zakrzewski temporarily completed a mile in 1:40 minutes during the April 7 run. This is completely impossible on foot, the current world record is 3:43.13.

“Felt sick”

“I was tired, had jet lag and felt ill,” said Zakrzewski, the doctor had only traveled from her adopted country of Australia the day before. At the checkpoint, she announced that she was driving in the car and wanted to give up. But she was told there: “You will hate yourself if you stop.”

According to Zakrzewski, he continued to run out of competition, but then accepted the trophy at the finish line and posed for photos. “I made a massive mistake with the assumption and should have returned it. But I felt uncomfortable and couldn’t think straight.”

It was previously revealed that exhaustion was the reason for the cheating. “The race didn’t go according to plan. She said she was feeling sick and tired and wanted to get out,” Adrian Stott, a friend of the runner, told the BBC. “She fully cooperated with the race organizers’ investigation and gave a report of what happened. She is truly sorry for the upset caused.”

Zakrzewski finished 14th in the marathon at the 2014 Commonwealth Games and has set several records in the ultra division.


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