Daguo Jili | Chongqing Bishan: Party building leads community governance to improve residents’ sense of happiness_Shijiazhuang News

2023-04-24 21:24:17 Source: CCTV client

Cnr.com, Chongqing, April 23. The community is the “nerve ending” at the grassroots level. The “last mile” of urban governance is in the community, and the “last 100 meters” of community service is in the residential area. On April 22, the “Great Country Fundamentals” network-themed media group went to Bishan, Chongqing, focusing on residential quarters, the basic unit closest to the masses.

Hongkang Haoyu Community (Photographed by Chen Jing, published by CNR.com)

Problematic neighborhoods get a new look

Walking into the Hongkang Haoyu Community located in Niujiaowan Community, Biquan Street, the roads are flat and the trees are shady. Young people are sweating on the basketball court, and the elderly are exercising on the fitness equipment. But who would have thought that in the past, this was a typical example of Bishan District’s filth and chaos. Due to the problem of fire protection facilities, most high-rise residents even kept escape ropes in their homes. It was a well-known “problem community”.

Wan Jiaqin, Director of the Owners Committee of Hongkang Haoyu Community, introduced the situation of the community (photo by Chen Jing, published by CNR.com)

“In February 2020, the branch committee of Hongkang Haoyu Community was established. With the support of the Bishan District Committee, over the past year, the party branch has established a ‘1+N’ club with seven volunteer teams of more than 200 people.” Hongkang Haoyu Community Wan Jiaqin, secretary of the party branch and director of the owner’s committee, introduced that through the demonstration and leadership of 100 party members in the community, more than 3,000 residents worked together to focus on “remediation of major fire hazards, overhaul of four elevators, building of neighborhood centers, remediation of high-altitude parabolic objects, greening and cleaning of the community”, etc. Benefit the people and do things, promote the old look of the community to a new look.

Improve the organizational system and strengthen leadership

“Elevators have been installed in the community. There was a problem with the elevator before, and it could not be repaired in 7 or 8 days. Now that the problem is found, it will be dealt with immediately, and it may be repaired in a day.” Uncle Liu said that they had planned to move out a few years ago, and now I plan to stay here for the rest of my life.

On the one hand, Bishan strives to extend the tentacles of the party organization, improve the organizational system that is connected from top to bottom and has strong execution, and promotes the deep integration and mutual promotion of the “nerve endings” of the party and the “basic unit” of urban governance. Set up functional ad hoc party branches in communities with mature conditions, set up party groups in buildings, and build a four-level structure of “town and street party (work) committees-community party committees-community party branches-loudong party groups”, so that the party organization The coverage is wider and the party’s organizational system is more compact, and the residents can truly feel that “the organization is by their side, and there is an organization by their side.” On the other hand, select excellent and strong branch forces, pay attention to the selection of community party members who are fair, decent, capable, and enthusiastic to serve as the community party branch secretary. Select party members of government agencies, enterprises and institutions as branch members or party group leaders. If there is no suitable candidate among the party members in the community, the community party committee will select from among the outstanding party members and social workers in the community, and the excellent community party branch secretary will be included in the training of community reserve forces. Promote party members, two representatives and one committee member, police, doctors, etc. to report back to the community to form a strong red vitality of community governance.

Strengthen the construction of “smart governance” at the grassroots level

In Hualong Community, we can see that Biquan Street, Bishan District, established a smart platform to improve the grid, building, population and other information visualization data, draw a grid map, and promote the accurate mapping of geographic information to fully present the people, places, and people in the jurisdiction. Objects, events, and organizations can be perceived and managed with one image. Using the grass-roots command center to remotely dispatch forest fire prevention, entrepreneurship and employment, grid member management, etc., efficiently operate the “grid whistle blowing, department reporting” mechanism, realize the closed loop of online collection, assignment, feedback, and evaluation of public opinions and appeals, and efficiently serve grassroots governance.

Biquan Street, Bishan District, established a smart platform (photo by Chen Jing, published by CNR.com)

Due to the long-term use of outdoor table tennis courts, some tables are aging and damaged. Mr. Chen, a resident of Hualong Community, reported the problem through the “Smart Biquan” information system. The grassroots command center promptly dispatched grid personnel to the scene to check and report. The street responded immediately and replaced the table soon. The community grid management is based on the satisfaction of the people, and extends the end of the social management service work to households and specific people, forming a multiple linkage mechanism among streets, communities, grids, and residents, and continuously improving the public’s sense of gain, happiness, and security. (Chen Jing)

2023-04-24 14:54:48
#Daguo #Jili #Chongqing #Bishan #Party #building #leads #community #governance #improve #residents #sense #happiness_Shijiazhuang #News


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