CVK athletes on display in Marsala

The fourth stage of the Ilca area 4 and 6 held in recent days was organized by the Marsala sailing club. To accompany the team of the Kaucana Sailing Club the coach Giovanni Magliulo. The Iblean athletes played all the scheduled tests, three for each day, with appreciable marine weather conditions, as always happens in this stretch of coast dotted with natural inlets and well known for its crystal clear sea. The CVK athletes faced the two days of competition with their usual enthusiasm, carefully studying the regatta field and determinedly seeking a good placement in the standings. Excellent performance by Paolo Salvo, born in 2008, who finished first in the U16 category. Lucrezia Micieli was no less climbing the top step of the podium earning the first female place always among the U16s. Even Felicia Prestana, in her first regatta in the Ilca class, recorded a respectable result, followed by Tommaso Battaglia. Carolina Trombatore, the only athlete of the Ilca 6 class, absent from the regatta fields for some time, achieves a remarkable performance. The young age of the team demonstrates the continuous commitment of the Circolo Velico Kaucana in popularizing the sailing sport among the very young, a commitment that allows it to achieve prestigious goals and growing merits and to be noticed in the most famous Italian sports clubs with the widest traditions . And just as the summer season approaches, CVK is launching a wide range of courses and is preparing to welcome young and old who wish to approach this wonderful sport.

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2023-04-17 09:12:28
#CVK #athletes #display #Marsala


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