Cuba expects judokas from 17 countries at the Pan American Open in Varadero

Cuba expects judokas from 17 countries at the Pan American Open in Varadero


Havana, Apr 2 (EFE).- Cuba awaits judokas from 17 countries in the Pan American Open – to be held from April 5 to 9 – and which will qualify for the 2023 Pan American Games in Santiago de Chile and will distribute points for the Paris 2024 Olympics.

For this competition, the participation of 159 judokas -90 men and 69 women- from countries such as the United States, Brazil, Mexico, Guatemala, the Dominican Republic and Venezuela has been confirmed, according to the Cuban Federation of the discipline, state media quoted this Sunday.

The contest -based on Varadero beach- includes competitions in 14 divisions for both sexes. One is the Ronaldo Veitía Cup -under 13 and 15- and the tournament for cadets and juniors in the under 18 and 21 category, detailed the Cuban News Agency (ACN).

The most numerous teams will be those of Cuba (92), the United States (22) and Colombia (10).

The head and commissioner of the Cuban Federation, Rafael Manso said that among the Cuban judokas -50 men and 42 women- figures such as the Olympic (1-2-1) and world (2-2-4) champion, Idalys Ortiz, stand out. in +78 kilograms (kg), Andy Granda (+100 kg), Tashkent 2022 world medalist, Iván Silva (90 kg), subtitle of the orb in Baku 2018, and Maylín del Toro (63 kg), (bronze and silver) at the Grand Slams in Paris and Tel Aviv, respectively.

For Cubans, this competition is important because it will be one of the last stops before the 2023 Doha World Championship scheduled from May 7 to 14, said the manager.

According to the announced program, on Saturday the 8th there will be competitions in the divisions of 48, 52, 57 and 63 kg (f), and 60, 66 and 73 kg (m), while on Sunday the 9th the fights will take place in the 70, 78 and +78 kg (f), and in the 81, 90, 100 and +100 kg (m).

The competition of the remaining categories are scheduled from April 5 to 7.

Cuba expects judokas from 17 countries at the Pan American Open in Varadero

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