Crismery Santana achieves a gold and two silver medals in weights

SANTO DOMINGO. Crismery Santana confessed that he was not very satisfied with his performance in the weightlifting qualifying for the Central American and Caribbean Games in El Salvador 2023 that was held in the Pavilion of that sport in Parque del Este.

The gold medal and the two silver medals that the weightlifter got in the category over 87 kilos were not what the bronze medalist at the Tokyo Olympics had in mind.

“I am happy, but not satisfied, since I came to win the category, but I missed two attempts in the snatch and that deprived me of winning the competition absolutely,” said Crismery.

The weightlifter took second place in the snatch, after lifting 111 kilograms, took first place in clean and jerk with a lift of 146 kilos, and in the total, she finished second after obtaining 257 kilos.

“I want to give credit to my rivals, who showed they were very prepared for this event,” said Santana after the closing of the event that brought together athletes from 22 regional countries, including Olympic and world medalists.

The Venezuelan Naryury Pérez imposed her status as a Pan American medalist, with World Cup experience and Olympic Games by hanging two gold medals and one silver medal in that category. She dominated the snatch after completing a 260-pound lift, she achieved silver in the clean and jerk with 300 pounds and gold overall with 261.

Crismery, already with his place secured for the Central American and Caribbean Games, scheduled to be held from June 23 to July 8, assured that he will continue working hard to raise the name of the Dominican Republic as he has done in previous events.

The Dominican Republic closed the event winning 12 medals, including five gold. He added four silver and three bronze, contributed by Santana, Yudelina Mejía, Ander Paniagua and Ezequiel Germán.

The fair had the support of the Ministry of Sports and Recreation (Miderec), the Creating Olympic Dreams Program (Creso), Industrias San Miguel, the Metropolitan Bus Services Office (OMSA), among others.

2023-04-24 15:32:09
#Crismery #Santana #achieves #gold #silver #medals #weights


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