Controversial ‘interview’ with Michael Schumacher conducted with Artificial Intelligence

Where is the limit? This is the question that society is asking itself after the gigantic steps taken by Artificial Intelligence in recent months. But while countries, legislators and parliaments strive to find the formula to regulate applications capable of giving answers as if it were a real person, their uses have no brakes, even to sell content. And the controversy is already served.

The German weekly ‘Die Aktuelle’ announced the first interview since 2013 with one of the best-known Formula 1 drivers in the world: Michael Schumacher. “World sensation”, the magazine announced on the cover along with a photograph of one of the Formula 1 drivers about whom little is known in the last decade, after he suffered a skiing accident in 2013 and was in a coma for six months.

“No sparse half-sentences and speculation from friends. Your answers! By Michael Schumacher! Here it is: the amazing interview! With redemptive answers to the most burning questions that everyone has been asking for so long,” says the magazine about an “interview” that it publishes on a double page with answers to questions such as “How have you been since the accident you suffered? in 2013?” or “How is he today?”

ski accident

“My life has changed completely”, can be read in an article that is not signed by any editor. And it is that after giving a false review of the pilot’s state of life, he alone at the end tells that the talk has been carried out by an Artificial Intelligence program. “Did Michael Schumacher really say all this? This is an interview done online on an artificial intelligence page.

Cover of the magazine that simulates an interview with Michael Schumacher.

R. C. is the true creator of the statements published just when December 29 marks the tenth anniversary of the accident that forced the seven-time Formula One world champion to leave the sports world. It was the last time the German driver could be seen after suffering a skiing accident in the French Alps a few weeks after announcing his retirement from F1.

His life changed completely. The first reports were not encouraging about the state of health of the German, who hit his head hard with a rock, causing severe brain damage that forced him to undergo surgery on up to two occasions. After the second operation, he spent six months in a coma, until he woke up in June 2014. Since then, his state of health is unknown. His family, his wife Corinna and his children Gina-Maria and Mick, those in charge of the care required by the famous pilot, have not spoken about a false interview that has outraged millions of people.

2023-04-19 12:03:15
#Controversial #interview #Michael #Schumacher #conducted #Artificial #Intelligence


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