Complaint against the head of the INM will leave a precedent: government of El Salvador – El Sol de México

After the FRG announced that it would proceed legally against Francisco Garduño, head of the INM for the fire in the center of the National Institute of Migration that killed 40 migrants in Ciudad Juárez, El Salvador applauded that Mexico seek to punish the guilty.

The Salvadoran government assured that the complaint against the official will set an “important precedent,” according to the Vice Minister of Diaspora and Human Mobility of the Foreign Ministry of El Salvador, Cindy Portal.

You can also read: El Salvador demands the resignation of those responsible for migration policies in Mexico

The official resumed on Twitter information from the Mexican Prosecutor’s Office in which it was noted that prosecuted against two directors of the National Institute of Migration and four servers public for the event that occurred on the night of March 27.

“This tragedy that should never have happened cannot and should not be repeated. Institutions must continue to act, the guilty must serve their sentencewhich although it does not fill the void of the affected families, leaves an important precedent,” wrote the Salvadoran official.

The fire killed 40 migrantsincluding six Hondurans, seven salvadorans18 Guatemalans, seven Venezuelans and one Colombian, an incident that the Salvadoran government described as a “State crime” and for which it requested the removal of the headlines of the immigration policy from Mexico.

The Mexican President, Andres Manuel Lopez Obradoradmitted on Monday that the 40 migrants who died from this fire in a Mexican immigration center at the northern border of Mexico they could not escape because the person who had the key was not there.

According to Mexican civil organizations, 2022 was the most tragic year for migrants in Mexico, as some 900 died in the attempt to cross without documents from the country to the United States.

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The region is experiencing a record migratory flow, with 2.76 million undocumented immigrants detained at the United States border with Mexico in fiscal year 2022.


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