Club Italia coach: “Ituma was strong physically and mentally”

It was a promise of blue volleyball Julia Itumathe opposite of Igor Novara who died at dawn in Istanbul where he had played with his team last night because in the Champions league against the Turks of Eczacibasi. And according to the blue dt that for three years he coached her “she was determined, she didn’t let defeat get her down”.

Eighteen years old, Nigerian origins but born in ItalyItuma with the Italian youth team was vice-champion of the under 18 world in 2021 and in 2022 under 19 European champion. Just last summer, with the Italy Team jersey he had conquered l’oro all’EYOF Banská Bystrica 2022. In the match won against Turkey, Julia took Italy in hand and led them to success, signing 28 points (3 aces, 2 blocks, 55% in attack).

His qualities, technical and personal, were there for all to see, starting with Marco Mencarelli, the technical director of Club Italia, the women’s youth sector of federvolley where Ituma grew up. “Julia had all the credentials to reach the highest levels, he had the numbers to make a path of excellence“, Mencarelli says on the phone with ANSA.

The news of his death left me with a deep sense of helplessness – adds the technician – I knew her well, and I saw a bright future for her. Dying at 18 is something against nature“. “Julia had already joined Club Italia when I was coaching Busto Arsizio – Mencarelli says – then from 2021 I returned and got to know her. She was a somewhat closed girl, but not with the companions. I remember her very marked determination of her, almost a sort of obstinacy, a valuable characteristic that allowed her to learn many technical characteristics that allowed her to grow.

He had an extraordinary power that he was learning to dominate, to manage. He had all the credentials to reach the top levels. I saw in her more or less the same qualities that I had seen in Paola Egonu when she was 15-16 years old, even if her technical characteristics were different. You had the qualities for a path of excellence also at an international level “.” Julia was very determined, reactive – she concludes – she was not someone who let herself be discouraged by a defeat, by a negative moment. The news of her death has left me feeling helpless.”


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