Cities in blue for the inclusion of people with autism

Blue city The castle lit up in blue on April 1st

Blue city The castle lit up in blue on April 1st

Blue city The castle lit up in blue on April 1st

The initiatives of “Villafranca Città Blu” continue, a review organized by the Municipality in collaboration with the Sportello Autismo of Verona for the promotion of the inclusion of autistic people in society. Today, from 9 to 15, in the Tione park in via Speranza, the pupils of over thirty classes of the city’s nursery and primary schools will meet the local sports clubs. The various sports associations that have joined the initiative range from the basketball clubs of Alpo and Sommacampagna to the soccer and swimming clubs of the capital, as well as tennis, tambourine, hockey and other disciplines. On Saturday 29, from 9 to 12, a “baskin” match (including basketball, ed.) will be held at the Belladelli forum palasport which will involve middle and high school students. Sunday 30, from 9 to 17, in the Tione park and in the nearby Wizard’s Stadium in via Speranza, the inclusive baseball tournament “Uni together” will take place for several teams, organized by the Wizard Azzurra company. An inflatable batting tunnel will be set up in the field and will be available to all participants. The event will be introduced by Red Fryk Hey, dancer and autistic activist. In addition, sporting champions will participate, such as Roberto Cabalisti, athlete and Italian baseball champion and Ileana Salvador, former walker and world champion holder of 11 titles. During the day stands and attractions will be active, while volunteers from various associations will entertain families. In case of bad weather, the event will be set up inside the sports hall. Finally, on Saturday 13 May at the Tione park and on Saturday 20 May at the Frassini park in Dossobuono, «Famigliarmente» will take place from 15.30 to 18.30 with the proposal of sensory activities.•. ft extension

2023-04-26 04:16:00
#Cities #blue #inclusion #people #autism


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