Champions: Spalletti “Super Guardiola, I’d drink Turkish coffee…” – Football

(ANSA) – NAPLES, APRIL 11 – “Speaking of Guardiola I stand up, we learned a lot from him. But Napoli are not a team that needs to prove something, we have already written the result for the club’s history. Now we also have to have a little fun, having pride and strength. Then I hope with Guardiola to be able to laugh about this over a nice Turkish coffee”. This was stated by the Napoli coach Luciano Spalletti in a remote dialogue with the Manchester City coach, with a reference to the Champions League final scheduled in Istanbul.

On the double evening of the Champions League quarter-finals as the highest moment of his career, Spalletti explained: “I hope there are – he said – even more important ones. It’s me and the players at a very high point in our careers and we have to unite the “enthusiasm at the awareness of where we can go. If you get to the quarter-finals of the Champions League you have to compete with teams in stadiums where it’s almost prohibitive to get results and instead we’ve shown so far that we can compete with everyone. The Champions League is beautiful and you also need to have fun. We enjoy each other even tomorrow evening knowing that in the league we have the attention of Milan and Napoli fans, in the Champions League of football lovers all over the world”. (HANDLE).

