Can girls lose weight when playing basketball?

Basketball is not only exclusive to boys, there are also many girls who love basketball, so where can girls play basketball and girls play basketball?

can thin legs

Basketball requires a lot of movement and jumping, which requires the participation of the legs. Various changes in speed and direction can exercise the legs at all angles, help tighten the leg muscles, and help thin the legs.

Dribbling, passing, shooting, and defense in basketball all require the participation of the arms. The arms are fully used, whether it is the upper arm, the forearm or even the fingers. You can clearly feel the tension of the arm muscles.

Can girls lose weight when playing basketball?

can thin waist

Thinning the waist means exercising the internal and external oblique muscles and reducing fat. Turning around in basketball movements is a great way to exercise the internal and external oblique muscles. Twisting during running, maintaining balance and stability while adding rotation is a very test of the core Strength, long-term persistence can effectively reduce the waist circumference.

Can girls lose weight when playing basketball?

Can lose weight

The waist and abdomen are parts that we don’t often use, and they are also the places where obesity is concentrated. Basketball happens to be a whole-body sport that uses a lot of the abdomen, so if you ensure a certain amount of exercise time, it can help you reduce your belly.

Where can girls lose weight when playing basketball?

Basketball is not only exclusive to boys, there are also many girls who love basketball, so where can girls play basketball and girls play basketball?

Does playing basketball make your hips look better?

Yes, you can go and see that the buttocks of NBA stars are very well developed. The reason is that they need to rely on the gluteus maximus in the back stretching action, as well as back hitting and blocking. The role of the buttocks muscles is very large. So you can develop a steep buttocks.

Where can girls lose their buttocks when playing basketball?

2023-04-28 18:55:55
#girls #lose #weight #playing #basketball


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